Account issues after or during maintenance (Jan 16 - 19 2024)

Oh sorry, i forgot that :smiley:

My myTS mail address is [email protected].

Your data got recovered yesterday.


I still get the error message as soon as I try to log in via the TS3 client.

Please take have a look at this Thread: Unable to decrypt data and make sure that you have your Recovery to get your old data back.

@elyday_recov please do the Fallback case as explained. You wrote you see your bookmarks etc. So you loose nothing after that.

I can’t tell why you get the error. Everything should be reset to state before the maintenance.
That’s all I can tell for now and without talking to colleagues.

@Rikku he is in the right thread already.


I have now done so, but thank you very much for your help.


Hello, I run into the following issue Your client asks you to enter the Recovery Key and the one you have saved does not work anymore?
myTS username: Cetx

Recently, I found that I can’t connect to my My Teamspeak account. When I go to the MYteamspeak settings, it shows “login fail”. No matter how I try, I can’t log in. So, I did some research and noticed that it might be due to server maintenance (Account issues after or during maintenance (Jan 16 - 19 2024)) that I can’t log into my account. Because I can’t log in, I can’t participate in community discussions, and I can’t log into my account on the webpage either.

When I click login, it always shows “Invalid email address or password”.

When I click “forgot password” to try to change the password, it shows “Process queries could not be completed”.

I really don’t know how to deal with this. Could you help me fix it?

my account is under e-mail “[email protected].”
nickname is “文仔大大”

Login etc.should work again.

Still under evaluation: Currently nothing looks broken your database

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“Thank you, I have successfully logged in on my end.”

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A post was split to a new topic: Kann mich nicht auf einloggen

Not sure when this happened but my problem is resolved. Could just login in my TeamSpeak 3 client. Thanks!

Support told me to write here, because they cant help…

can’t login to my myTeamspeak account (username: Aquacold) because i get only the error ‘wrong email/password’ and when i try to reset the password i get the error ‘Process queries could not be completed’ and in DevTools the request ended with a 400 Error (ERROR_DATABASE). also login in the teamspeak3 client dont work. (Same error → email/password wrong)

If needed, TicketID: #82939

Can not find any Aquacold in our database.

Can you please send me your email you did use for the Aquacold account in a private message?

Please send it in format (or it may get censored): username at domain dot com

We found your account in our backup and a parts of it in the new database. Something seems to be messed up when moving the database to the new system.

We will recover your whole account and set it to the state before moving the database.
I will make a new post mentioning you on the Aquac0ld account when it is done.


Please try to log in with that account again and sorry for the inconvenience!


Account is back :slight_smile:

thank you for the help! :slight_smile:


Hello everyone!

I recently changed my PC and when I try to connect to my teamspeak account, I get the following error message “Invalid email address or password”.
Maybe I’ve changed my password without saving it in my password manager.

Anyway, when I try to send a request for a forgotten password, I get this error message “Process queries could not be completed”.

How can I solve the problem?

Email: [email protected]
I have a recovery key and old teamspeak client in previous PC.

Thanks !

We are looking into it and may reset it to the state January 16th.

Are you sure that you want to revert your account to this day?

You should be able to login again or reset your password.


Thanks a lot ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: