Account issues after or during maintenance (Jan 16 - 19 2024)


Same issue than the other lads.

Seems my account is not there anymore.
I get in TS3 ‘Login failed’ on the website, password wrong - despite I never changed it and in my bitwarden it’s still the normal one. I tried to access my data using recovery key, but same thing - never changed but wrong?!

Didn’t change anything in the maintance window on my end.

Possible to help me?


I added all of you above to the list.


I have same problem. My nickname on this account is EvEr. I dont have revovery key because i log out to try login again. My email on this account: [email protected] I need this because is only place where i have my identity. Ticket id: 79606 Can i export my identity from android client?

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I’m one of the accounts that got screwed after that maintenance.
my account is under e-mail “[email protected]
nickname is “taurus”
If needed, I have also recovery key.
I’m getting "You can’t login and get “login wrong message”
this was my unique ID “2wApMHgAD+o1CfTOmUC2oLwAdeQ=”

Please help, I really dont’t want to loose my badges over the years… Thanks.

Yesterday we found the cause why many users get Login data is wrong
and are working to restore these at once.

Doesn't matter if they reported to us or not. We see them all.
Can not say if recovery this happens today or tomorrow.

Your data isn’t lost


Thank you for the Update. :slight_smile:

Yes, I have the same problem. I can’t login in. Please Fix that problem. I already reported this to support. :slight_smile:

Got the same problem
Didnt use TS for a while and wanted to join a server but I cant login reset password or anything.

I have opened a ticket for my main account ticket number:79640

WE ARE GOING INTO MAINTENANCE - To Recover any account that can no longer login


Thank you for fixing this Issue.
Glad thats its working again for me. :slight_smile:

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  • Anyone who could not login should be able to login now.

  • Anyone who got or now gets the encryption is wrong / Recovery key needed is next on our todo. We will recover everything that was on the account as it was before the maintenance.

@dertoppa @taurus_temp @Xumastor @AkrepKraL0121 @Brian @Lrksde @Badge2009 @elyday_recov @heisitmp @nisen21897 @Knopi2 @SmallDiva @SnakeEater96 @MrHated


11 posts were merged into an existing topic: Email or passwored change (gcm: tag doesn’t match)

Yep works for me now.


Its working for my normal account now. Thank you :slight_smile:


I can now login to

But in my ts3 client, I get the notification that the client is unable to decrypt the data, and it wants the recovery key.


You got 2 options now.

  • When you see your bookmarks, identity in your client. Then you click on that message or the exclamation mark (see main post).
    When asked do a fallback. Do it.
    Now you get a new Recovery Key and client will upload and encrypt the content.
    But don’t delete your old Recovery Key in case you still have it.

  • Wait till we reset your synced data, encryption etc. (Don’t know if this happens the next 24 hours.)
    But make sure you have the password from 2 weeks ready.
    And also in best case the old Recovery Key.


With the first option: Do I loose any data with this option? Because I don’t have my old recovery code.

Loosing data depends if you see bookmarks and identities in client or not.

Also we still can recover your sync data to state before maintenance.

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I see my bookmarks and identities in the client. But I will wait for the recovery :slight_smile: