This little Theme Pack contains:
- changed backgrounds behind the Channels
- changed accent colors to fit to the background
(- with chat bubbles)
- changed the favorite icon
Some Examples:
Ichigo Shikai Theme
Anime: Bleach
Anime: Naruto
Anime: Magi
Anime: Haikyuu
Aizen Third Fusion
Anime: Bleach
Black Asta
Anime: Black Clover
Anime: Naruto
Anime: RE:Zero
One Punch Man (Saitama)
Anime: One Punch Man....
Anime: No game no life
and more....
It could be that the Thumbnail of the Themes is diffrent then the background.
More Backgrounds will probably follow.
I try to make more animated Backgrounds like the Goku Theme, but with better resultions.
How to install via Theme TS5 Manager (still Windows only)
- Donwload installer from here (Github Project )
- execute installer and follow installation, you can choose between multiple themes when installing
How to install manually
- Download the file here from GitHub
- put the "de.wargamer.anime.teamspeak" folder in
Windows: %appdata%\TeamSpeak\Default\extensions
Mac: ~/Library/Preferences/TeamSpeak/Default/extensions
Linux: ~/.config/TeamSpeak/Default/extensions
- After successfully Downloading and Placing the folder in the Directroy
go in TeamSpeak to Settings > Apperance and activated the option User Themes
you could also shortcut the navigation to the folder by pressing the icon under User Theme .
Thanks to @LeonMarcelHD , i learned from his Theme the setup of the CSS Code.
His cool Theme : [Skin] Colorful TeamSpeak - A TeamSpeak 5/6 Extension .
June 27, 2021, 2:22am
Quite nice one, muat say.
Also, that [SFW] “tag” in every female theme name. Just as if you’ll try making NSFW ones ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Thank You.
You have good eys sir , maybe is at some point a Download link in the folder ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )
Added New Pictures to the Dashboard and Settings
Changed "Show Current Channel Chat"
Changed in one theme the Group Icon (Madara theme)
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could you add this css to the theme:
.ts-server-tree-item-background-no-image {
background: linear-gradient(90deg,var(--tsv-shaded-bg) 50% 0,var(--tsv-contrast-bg) var(--tsv-padding-h) 5%,var(--tsv-shaded-bg) 0%,transparent);
opacity: 75%;
Show Channel Banners - disabled (cant read all):
Show Channel Banners - enabled (looks bad):
Show Channel Banners - enabled with additional css:
Thanks for the suggestion @PhoenixmitX ,
i added this to all Themes as Default Value, looks much better when using a small window .
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March 5, 2022, 11:07pm
hello , i wanna make a picture like that on my server but i don’t how. would you show me?
Hey @Pixnit , you probably mean to make Theme too or ?
That is not something you can modify from the Server side.
If you want to create your own Theme, you can download mine or another theme, i have used Gamer92000 Theme as template because it is good documented.
You can debug the whole client when starting it with a specific argument.
Execute this command in the ts clients folder: TeamSpeak.exe --remote-debugging-port=9988
Open Chrome type http://localhost:9988 and press on “Teamspeak client UI” after that you can search the dom and css using the chrome dev tools like a normal webpage. For more info: Qt WebEngine Debugging and Profiling | Qt WebEngine 5.15.14
For better Preview you can activated the dev consol for ts5, then you can see better what you changed
You can pm me, if you want to chat about it [email protected]
On non 16:9 screen Images are stretching.
I fixed it in a small PR:
← PhoenixmitX:main
opened 10:21PM - 10 Mar 22 UTC
Example on an 21:9 monitor:


Additionally i renamed a few misspelled files like Kenoko_small.png → Koneko_small.png and formatted the package.json.
Hi @PhoenixmitX , thanks for the fixes , i mergt it .
off topic but you are the only person who actively maintaining ts5 theme. I want to start working on my custom theme but it looks like there no way to hot reload or reload on file change for extension/plugins/theme. Do you know a way to do that? Going to settings and clicking refresh button after every small change is painful.
Hey @PunchTrees ,
there are some other actives members too like gamer9200 or LeonMarcelHD ,
but no problem i will help you.
In this thread they explained how to start TS5 in debuggin mode
You can debug the whole client when starting it with a specific argument.
Execute this command in the ts clients folder: TeamSpeak.exe --remote-debugging-port=9988
Open Chrome type http://localhost:9988 and press on “Teamspeak client UI” after that you can search the dom and css using the chrome dev tools like a normal webpage. For more info: Qt WebEngine Debugging and Profiling | Qt WebEngine 5.15.14
When you change something in the Web IDE, it will instantly effect the client apperance.
When you need some help to get started, or i explained something wrong, dm me in the forum or dm me on ts5 wargamer@myteamspeak
Thanks, that def helps! I use sass and then compile it to css so it so it’s not ideal but at least something.
omg, 3 themes from high school dxd lololol
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- fixed scrollbar (for beta b71)
- changed mention bubbles