Такая же проблема,обратился в техподдержку,мне ответили мол мы не знаем чем помочь спросите на форуме."Спросите на форуме"просто гениальный ответ!
Hello @FuturE_666 and welcome to the TeamSpeak Forum.
Server is working fine for me:
Please post your latest TeamSpeak 3 Client Log which can be found
under the following path: %Appdata%\Roaming\TS3Client\logs
You can try to use the IP instead
In your Case it is:
If this does not help, then please take a look into this Thread:
[quote=“Rikku, post:3, topic:52961”]
Пожалуйста, опубликуйте последний журнал клиента TeamSpeak 3, который можно найти
по следующему пути
https://tmspk.gg/4ExorEFw не могу подключиться можно ip-адрес
I can connect to this Server, but the Server has a Password.
The only Solution that I have is, that you could connect
via a VPN and see if this will help. Here is a good VPN that is free
Do you only have the problem when connecting to this server or do you have the problem on other servers as well?
Sorry for the late response.
Have you already found a solution?