Can not change my Nickname

You can change your email on

Changing the username is currently not possible due to the system being disabled.

Settings > Account > Account name (next to the avatar)
After modifying the name, a prompt shows up to input the password in order to change the name.
Once the password has been entered, a red error messages displays underneath, reading : “Not allowed to perform this action”.

Is this a bug ? I didn’t find a way to change the username on the main website.

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This ‘system’ has been disabled for god knows how long.
I’ve been wanting to change my name ever since I got a key for the beta…

Email and Username changing - General Discussion / Account - TeamSpeak

They dropped a whole new TS version but changing Username is still disabled :skull: :skull:




I was ready to switch away from discord but not letting me change my cringe old nickname is keeping me from doing that ._.

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Not looking good here TeamSpeak devs

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Make a new account?

That is not an excuse to finally fix that mistake :person_shrugging:

Any ETA on which changing of Usernames will be possible again? Is Support able to change Usernames?

Any ETA on changing Nicknames again? Can support do that?

It is impossible to change nickname.

Is there any error message displayed or why do you think that changing your nickname doesn’t work?

There is an answer to your question in this thread. The opportunity is temporarily closed due to problems.

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Please let me change My Username. I accidentally used my Emailadress as My Username and its bothering me so much. I dont want random People to see my Email…


I can’t change my username!

Hello @Cyclone.8250 and welcome! Currently that option is disabled.
This was recently posted by staff.

:pencil2: Changing Username

  • In the past, we had to deactivate the renaming system due to technical reasons. We know that this function is important to many people for various reasons and are therefore working on reactivating it as soon as possible.

You can take a look here → TS6 BETA Release - Updates & Ongoing Issues

One piece of advice: Before posting a question, take a moment to search the forum, as many questions have already been asked and answered.