TS6 BETA Release - Updates & Ongoing Issues

Dear TeamSpeak Community,

We’d like to start by expressing our heartfelt appreciation to everyone for the incredible amount of interest surrounding the release of the TeamSpeak 6 BETA. We’ve been absolutely thrilled to see so many of you eager to try out screen share and communities. This is the first major release we have undertaken in a very long time, and we’ve been completely overwhelmed by the sheer number of community purchases and users jumping into the new update.

While we’re thrilled with the positive response and interest in TeamSpeak, we also recognize that this influx has caused some issues, so it’s important we address them:

:hammer_and_wrench: TeamSpeak 6 Server Files

  • We have heard many concerns about self-hosting and whether we will move away from it with the introduction of Communities. We can assure everyone that this is not the case. Self-hosting is a core feature of TeamSpeak, and our intention is to provide the full TS6 experience, which includes screen-sharing, in the near future. We are still fine-tuning and actively working on the TS6 Server to ensure the best possible experience for everyone. We appreciate your patience as we prepare the server files for release.

:globe_with_meridians: Communities, Available Plans, and Payment Options

  • Communities have been introduced as a new feature available on TS6. The response has been greater than we imagined, and we’re working tirelessly to stabilize your Communities experiences. We are aware that a lot of users encountered issues where their Community wouldn’t launch or kept suspending itself, resulting in them not being able to use the service. We have paused new community purchases and creating communities while we work hard to scale our services to maintain performance and reliability.

  • We have received many requests about the pricing and the current slot limitation (currently capped at 25). We understand how important flexibility is, so we are also working on solutions to offer more flexibility and better value to the community plans.

  • Our current payment options are Credit Card, Google Pay, and Apple Pay. PayPal has been requested by many users and is currently in the works and will be launched in the coming weeks. We are still in the testing phase to make sure it works properly. More payment options are also in the pipeline.

:gear: Hardware Acceleration, Peer-to-peer, and Performance

  • We’re thrilled to bring P2P screen-sharing to TS6 and we appreciate all of the feedback we’ve gotten from the community so far. As this is just the first version, our focus is on testing and stabilizing the current implementation to ensure a reliable foundation. We will be looking to expand upon the current technology, which includes hardware acceleration, and plan to offer additional screensharing options in the future to provide even greater flexibility and performance. Platform performance is always something we strive to improve on with every update, so please keep giving us your feedback!

:computer: MacOS & Linux support

  • Mac users, we see you! We know it’s frustrating that screen sharing isn’t available on macOS from day one, but we can assure you that we’re working on it and making great progress. Please stay tuned for more information soon.

  • We are aware that Linux users on Wayland and other Linux distributions are experiencing problems when trying to use screen sharing. Screen sharing on Wayland is a work in progress, but not yet done. In the meantime, you can fall back on the workaround by using the OBS Virtual Camera.

:new: New TeamSpeak Design

  • Firstly, we would like to thank everyone who has given us their design feedback, it is very welcome and much appreciated. The feedback we have received so far is very valid and something we will be addressing, although at this moment in time, we can’t give an exact time frame as to when these changes will be made. Nonetheless, please continue to give us your feedback on the new design!

:pencil2: Changing Username

  • In the past, we had to deactivate the renaming system due to technical reasons. We know that this function is important to many people for various reasons and are therefore working on reactivating it as soon as possible.

:iphone: Mobile Client

  • We know how important a mobile app is, especially for people who don’t have access to a computer or want to chat on the go. While it’s not yet available, it’s something we’re working towards, so please stay tuned for more information to come.

:information_source: Next Steps and Moving Forward

Please keep in mind that this is the first BETA release of a new TeamSpeak experience. This is just the beginning. Stabilizing the current release is our immediate focus. Once this is achieved, we’ll begin rolling out additional updates and fixes to address the challenges we are facing and enhance the overall experience.

We’re committed to being transparent with you as we progress. Expect more communication from us as we resolve issues and refine the platform. Your feedback is invaluable and continues to shape the future of TeamSpeak.

Thank you again for your patience, your constructive feedback, and your continued support. Together, we’re building something that will continue to evolve and improve. We appreciate you being part of this journey and look forward to sharing more updates soon.

The TeamSpeak Team


Thank you very much Syox. I think for most people it would have been an advantage if this post had existed directly on release!


Big W for all answers.


Thank you!


So you’re not going to reimburse people after failing to provide the community servers they paid for? What’s going on!?

I paid for your community servers and they have been unusable for over 2 days now.

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We hope there will be less bugs…

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Love that screen sharing is being addressed, I’ve found that its pretty unstable and on average typically performs worse than discord based on my testing with friends. Thank you for the transparency and here’s to praying for a fresh strong start!

Any word on if file transfer to those community servers should be working, or is that disabled at this time too?

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It should work, but If it does not work or is very slow, this is most likely due to myTS issues, which we will fix.


One aspect must be prioritized in order to save my eye vision! Having an option to revert the new UI scaling is necessary. Please, consider that as one of the earlier points you look into.


yea same, mine also never worked its still on “starting…”

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OK I’ve tried uploading files to a channel on my community server hosted at ny1 from TS3 and TS6, and both result in “failed: lost file transfer connection”. I’m not sure if the host site has the file transfer port opened or forwarded correctly.

Make hotkey support for other devices (handlebars and gamepads) and overlay support in the next updates.

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Yeah same here

Teamspeak takes minutes to connect to friend and groups, but when it connects, it takes minutes sometimes to send/receive messages, and screensharing doenst load. While with my friends everything works fine


Big W

thank you one more time @SYOX you absolutely the goat

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what’s going on with my shitty ************ community that I paid for? I’m getting angry. I want my product…

Is it true for server icon uploads too?

aren’t the first 7 days free? just cancel the subscription and resubscribe when its available again

thanks for updates but I dont think that users are satisfied. We are hyped and always checking community status from myTeamSpeak. You need to give how much days the team needs to set everything up. The more we don’t know, the more frustrated we become. Shut down the community and announce restart time.