Can we please fix VAD stuck on Automatic?

I use TS for my work and this is the most annoying thing I’ve encountered in my two decades of using this program. If I want to talk with a co-worker I have to hot mic or use PTT. Not ideal for my situation.

When I make the change to Volume Gate it will reset as soon as I leave the tab. Nothing makes it save. I’m at a loss on what to do next with it.

MacOS 14.4.1
Macbook Pro M2

Teamspeak 5 - latest client versions, issue has been active for a while across multiple previous versions.


Hey, friend got same problem, any fix?

Are you using virtual audio devices? If so this is a common issue:
In the following post there are possible / temporary solutions to solve the issue.

There is currently no solution to this issue. It seems to happen when the virtual audio devices changes its ID but name stays the same. Sorry.