Error in logs: TS3ANetwork::Send failed error: 111

I have the exact same ‘problem’ with my server. Im just not complaining because apart from the error logs, the server is working fine. My server is hosted in germany and its version is 3.13.7.
Never had this problem before. Restart didn’t help.

Can you ping “” on that machine?
If you can’t then a restart won’t help to solve it.

Your server did not shutdown with any error/info about accounting?

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Yes, I can :slight_smile:

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=59 time=1.22 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=59 time=1.28 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=59 time=1.35 ms

My server did not shutdown. I have just the free license with 32 slots on it.
As i said, it’s working completely fine. I have just the same error log “TS3ANetwork::Send failed error: 111”

In your case it’s one of the other domains not working. That server your are running (without license) doesn’t require to contact accounting.

For weblist: Turn it off in server settings (expand below to read all)


I turned it off. I don’t need it anyway.
That seems to fixed it. Thanks! :slight_smile:

TS3ANetwork::Send failed error: 111

I have the same error logs in all of my three server instances.
For sure something is broken. @TS.ChrisR
My servers started showing the same erros about two weeks ago and it still goes on (different machines).
It can’t be a user error in this case. But for me the servers don’t crash or shutdown, they still working.

Please try what i wrote about weblist.

We can reproduce this (not 100% but often) on Linux.
Doesn’t matter if a license was used or not. So the accounting service itself seems fine.
But maybe something else (like an expired certificate or …) in server itself does cause it.

We will evaluate this point.


We validated this and this as in the original report.

This is not any accounting issue. It’s the weblist report the server tries to send fails.
As a local fix turning of reporting to we list does fix this. Weblist is turned off anyways.

From our perspective we need to change handling the reply.

When anyone can not reach accounting2.teamspeak then this is not rleated to this forum thread.
Also accounting2 is up and running fine.


I tried installing ts3 on 2 different servers and both encountered the same problem
TS3ANetwork::Send failed error: 111

PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=46 time=261.470 ms

As I wrote several times, this is not about accounting. It’s the weblist report.

You need to turn off the reporting to weblist.

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where can i find the weblist setting?

In the server edit dialog in your TS Client or with the ServerQuery or WebQuery.

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I reinstalled ts and the database. Now it’s fine. The token appears.