Fehler bei verbinden mit Twitch | old API no longer working

Leider bekomme ich immer diese Fehlermeldung —> We could not connect with Twitch!
wenn ich meinen TS mit meinem Twish verbinden möchte… woran kann das liegen ?
Liegt es daran das MyTeamspek einen anderen Nick hat was mein Twish ??

Unfortunately I always get this error message —> We could not connect with Twitch!
if I want to connect my TS to my Twish … what could be the reason?

Is it because MyTeamspek has a different nick what my twish?

Press F5 and if you see your Twitch username , then everything is fine.


Okay, but I can’t get the icons in the TS either, why?

More details please?


if my Teamspeak is connected to Twish you should get two icons in the TS … and I don’t get them

two icons?


Die beiden linken … meine ich

Note: Connecting your Twitch account with your myTeamSpeak account may take up to 24 hours. Group assignment upon connecting to a TeamSpeak server may also take a few minutes, depending on how busy Twitch servers are.

Ich wollte mein teamspeak mit meinem twitch konto verbinden um den twitch sub rang bei auf dem teamspeak zu bekommen. Als ich es verbinden wollte stand aber da: ''We could not connect with Twitch"!
Pls help

Please take a look here:

In January it worked fine for me, but now i’m getting the same error:

We could not connect with Twitch!
TWITCH username: connection request in progress

connection request in progress is standing there for about 10-15 minutes and then i can restart the process.

At twitch itself the connection is showing up.
I hope you can help me with this.

Twitch Error

This is know not to be working after connection to Twitch was made after Feb 28th.
The old API was replaced and is no longer working with stuff we made.
