i finally gain acces for beta teamspeak…but its very hard to use. I dont even know how to call someone or how to create a server
You can’t call someone because this is not Discord. You can only add someone as contact and write messesages.
At the Moment, you can’t create free servers, in the future maybe it will be possible to set up free servers again.
oh, i understand.Thank you
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But if you still want to talk with your contact just join a Server
There is a free server from teamspeak itself, at least it was on ts3 client by defualt: voice.teamspeak.com
There you can create your own channel, with a password
Or feel free to join on of the Talk Channel here on the Community Server Adress: Official TeamSpeak Public Community Server
Everyone is welcome.
How i can CALL/TALK with someone on TS5?
After starting the TS5 application, enter in the search field the desired IP server, for example Official TeamSpeak Beta Server - IP: beta.voice.teamspeak.com
After that you click on Quick Connect
After connecting to the server, you have to join an existing channel or create your own private channel with or without a password.
After clicking on “Create”, you can see that you are in the created channel
You can also connect with a simple one-click on one of the public servers, to see all public servers follow the following steps: