Is TeamSpeak dead?

I’ve been using TeamSpeak for many years, but I took a break from it during start of the TS5 beta. I just downloaded it again and connected to my long-time running server, but I haven’t noticed any changes. I’m wondering if TeamSpeak is still being actively developed or if it’s no longer being updated?

I have a suggestion: make TeamSpeak easier to use and ensure it actually works well. Also, allow server hosts to support more people without requiring a paid license. Add something similar to Krisp. Currently, I’m the only person on my TeamSpeak server out of 30 people. Everyone is using my Discord server instead of TeamSpeak because they miss the ability to share and stream their screens, as well as use their webcams. They mentioned that they will continue to use Discord until TeamSpeak can offer the same features. Too much to ask/suggest?

TeamSpeak is not dead, they are working constantly on the new TeamSpeak Client

Here is an official answer from a TeamSpeak Staff Member:


Finally a aswer. i remove my old message. Its good to hear from you guys from time to time, because i was also thinking ts was dead!


It’s a great answer, any answer is better than none. Thanks for sharing! I hope to start using it again. Currently, we only resort to TeamSpeak when Discord is down as a backup. Have a nice day!

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Yes and they are working on the Screensharing and Video Cam Feature
for the New TeamSpeak Client.

Here is an updated Post on Twitter:

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but to be honest it does feel like its abonded when the last public beta is from december 2023.

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I think I would sadly agree with that, staff is inactive on forums, do not fix bugs, issues, … :frowning:

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Yeah, it seems completely dead and abandoned. I’m thinking of shutting down my server or just using it as a backup when Discord is unstable or down, at least for now. TeamSpeak has become really depressing because I can’t get anyone to use my server since Discord is so much better and full of features. It’s really sad to see my favorite service dying like this. But I’m sure that TeamSpeak can be reborn and compete with Discord if the devs care, They could have made it almost like Discord, but with the ability to host our own servers and give us control like TeamSpeak already does. They could also make it open source, something they seem to be afraid of doing. I think they said they are never going to make it open source.

Yeh, and the point is that people on forums care about TeamSpeak, but if company would have a few active developers, they should deliver at least bug fixes, you cant get salary and deliver nothing… I work as web developer and Im responsible for my tasks and deadlines… there is no updates at all, people report new issues and nothing is fixed… It was communicated in 2023 that there is a year of screenshare / video integration, delayed cant be more than 1 year.

I really hope that Im wrong and they will shut my mouth, but silence and no updates make me really pesimistic about the future, thats why l think we deserve truth. @SYOX