Is there any update regarding the TS6 server files?

Hi everyone,

Do we have any news of any sort on if and when the TS6 server files for self hosting will be available?

I completely understand that TS6 is still in beta and in development and that a stable version cannot be provided with the flick of a hand. But can we please get at least any update on a vague time window? Will we be waiting for one more month? Or three more decades? Can we narrow it down just a BIT?

I also very much understand the monetary aspect and that the TS hosted communities must have been a massive income boost for TS. I’m willing to pay for a (perpetual) license if that is, what is needed. 100$ seems fair, compared to other software nowadays.

Can we please get any feedback whatsoever?

A post was merged into an existing topic: TS5 (or is it TS6 now?) Selfhosted