Require myTeamSpeak

Is it posible to require myTeamSpeak?
For example:

  • person A has no myTeamspeak Account and want to connect to the Server. Server refuse Connection because Person A has no myTeamSpeak Account

All other Persons has a myTeamSpeak Account

  • Person B don’t send the ID to the Server. Server refuse Connection

  • Person C send the ID to the Server and the Server Accept the Connection

  • Person D send the ID to the Server but he has a myTeamSpeakID ban. Server sends the ban Message

I think it’s a Security Feature for the Servers.

Yes it is. Just create a new ban entry with the empty myteamspeak id!
banadd mytsid=empty banreason=This\sserver\srequires\sa\sMYTS\sID

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I think this is still a good idea.

With the intention to lock out trolls you could also that say the person either needs to have a myTeamSpeak account or security level X.

So myTeamSpeak users does not have to increase their security level.
And if a troll gets banned, he has to spend a lot of time to reconnect.

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