I’ve been using TeamSpeak since around 2013, and in 2016-17, I obtained an NPL license for our clan’s TeamSpeak server. Last year, we switched to Discord because our clan was getting smaller, but now we’re growing again. On Discord, managing large numbers of users in voice channels has become quite complicated, and TeamSpeak is still much better for this purpose. So, I decided to set up my TeamSpeak server again, but I found that my NPL license has expired after such a long time.
Current License Information:
ts version : 3
type : Non-Profit License
start date : Fri Dec 1 00:00:00 2023
end date : Sat Jun 22 00:00:00 2024
max. virtual servers: 10
max. slots : 512
description : TeamSpeak 3 Non-Profit License
Unfortunately, I can’t use it anymore. I understand that NPL licenses are no longer available, but is there a way to contact support for assistance with this? As a non-profit clan, we don’t earn any money from using TeamSpeak, and paying for a license each year is too costly for us to cover out of our own pockets. We’d really like to keep using TeamSpeak, so I’m hoping there’s a solution.
Yes, not actively renewing NPLs (by using them) makes them expire, unfortunately. However, you can apply for a sponsorship license here: Sponsorship | TeamSpeak
Best of luck!
Thank you, but I received this response:
“Unfortunately, your application for TeamSpeak Sponsorship has been denied for the following reason(s): Your application does not meet the requirements for TeamSpeak Sponsorship.”
It’s a bit ironic that the reasons could be endless, just like if they hadn’t given any reason at all… Over the years, it’s become clearer why Discord keeps growing while TeamSpeak seems to be shrinking. In my opinion, that’s unfortunate, but we’ll stick with Discord and see how we manage with a large number of users in voice channels.
We also had a TeamSpeak license for our gaming community, which we were proud of. We play MMO ArcheAge and for 10 years great things happened with our community, sometimes we dominated the servers, sometimes we fell and started from the very beginning. In short, I also wanted to renew the license that I had already received for our community, but I was also refused because of “Your application does not meet the requirements for TeamSpeak Sponsorship”. The only thing they helped me with was a link to this topic — Guidelines for applying for TeamSpeak Sponsorship
Overall, I think Teamspeak is a good tool for the community and status is emphasized, but now you can find alternatives.