Server and channel banner direct upload

I don’t know if something like this has already been posted here…

It would be nice if server or channel banners could be uploaded directly to the TeamSpeak server instead of a link from an external site.

This could be done by right clicking on an image uploaded to a channel and setting it as the banner for the server, channel or channel avatar.

Or you can implement this in a similar way to the server icons.

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That’s already possible.
Copy the link to the picture and change the URL to this (replace path IP etc)



I would never have thought of that.

Then this would be a suggestion for improvement as described above :sweat_smile:

How to use?

How to use what? Can you please be more specific about your question?
PS I already answered how to use uploaded image files as a banner.


I’m still not quite sure how to use an uploaded image as a banner, as I use


It doesn’t show the picture when TeamSpeak5 Cilent. I think I’m doing something wrong, so I’d like to request a babysitting process to help me.

Just make this link as shown in following example…


… to this but use your own server address here. And then place it as server or channel banner in the Image URL field(s).


  • Open the file browser of any channel where your image was uploaded to
  • Copy the URL to the image from file browser with a right click on it
  • Paste it into Image URL field of Channel or Server edit dialog.
  • Replace ts3file with ts3image
  • Remove serverUID=xwBgkKOmijLSIK7o4ULBbGx4c0o=&
  • Remove everything behind the filename (isDir= , size= , fileDateTime=)
  • Save


Uff, how should someone know that. But cool that it exists. I think it needs more explantion in the client tho. Or a a simple “upload image” button :smiley: