Hi folks!
As you might know, there exist something known as TS5 (or New TeamSpeak) Client, which is currently in closed beta.
Some of you may have few questions about it, like
Why is it in closed beta?
What's this forum?
How can I get it?
Where can I find beta key?
How and where to use it?
I want to answer these questions once and for all. So, lets start with
Why is it in closed beta?
TS5 (New TeamSpeak) Client is in closed beta just so there won’t be thousands emails describing the same problem/feature/etc.
More people means more emails, more emails means more time spent on reading them and more time spent reading them means less time to develop (even if support team and development team are two distinct teams, but you know they need to communicate what’s wrong).
What's this forum?
To reduce problem described above, TS Staff created this new forum so that both devs and support can read about problems/features and either fix them, either add them to New Client.
The old forum is now read-only, mainly because cleaning it would be a pain in ***. Also this forum looks similar to new teamspeak.com and New Client.
How can I get it?
If by ”it” you mean TS5 (New TeamSpeak) Client, you must have beta key.
Where can I find beta key?
There were four ways, now there are two:
Apply for beta on teamspeak.com (unavailable).
Find someone who is willing to give you code (do not find them on forum as it wasn’t created for this and do not pay for it elsewhere).
Find one on TeamSpeak’s social media (they are mostly hidden in pictures and sometimes posted in plain text, but you must be fast, cause codes are one-time use).
Fourth way (which you might see in previous edits of this post) is not available. I’ve got official statement from TeamSpeak, so please do not try this one.
How and where to use it?
Go to beta.teamspeak.com, log in to your myTS account, paste your beta code, download client of your choice and voila. Just need to install it and you can use it.
Phew, this is a looong post.
I hope that your questions are answered. Also, if it’s possible, @Adam, @davinciTS, @TS.ChrisR or anyone from TS Staff, could you pin it globally so that anyone will see it on top? I would appreciate it very much!
Thank you for reading!
Until next post.
Edit@June 27th 2020:
As @Rikku informed me with this post: Is beta badge codes for TS5 still obtainable in any way? - #5 by Rikku, there’s currently no way to get beta codes from neither TeamSpeak’s twitter, nor Instagram.
We’ll need to wait for next registration wave.