Teamspeak 3 Client on macOS missing certificates

I upgraded to the latest MAC OS 12.3 and the client starts then crashes. An error window from the OS pops up and says “TeamSpeak 3” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. My version of TS is 3.5.7 (3/5/21 08:30:01) QT Ver. 5.12.3

Here is a a workaround:
Hold the CMD key and then Click on the App and select Open. This adds the app as secure and won’t ask you next time.

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That works. Thank you.

This is still an active issue on macOS 12.6 with the latest TeamSpeak 3 and 5 beta client.

This issue has been reported in September 2020, so it’s already two years old. Will there be a fix in the near future?

It wont let me download this and im having an issue where no matter what I do I cant even download the software from the site anymore.

You can get the new Beta Version 3.6.0 of the TeamSpeak 3 Client. There is a fix with the macOS Problem.

To enable the Beta channel, simply go to Tools → Options → Application and select “Beta” from the update channel dropdown. And now you can search for the Update

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moved by moderator. In forum you may search before creating new topics.

I’m on Mac and was having 403 errors but got past them with the proxy site. However, when I open it, it says that it can’t be checked for viruses so I can’t even use it.