TeamSpeak 5 - plans 2024/2025?

*I don’t really know where to start…

Chapter 1 - Communication

I understand all of your frustrations. TeamSpeak has always kept most of their communication out of the public. Especially in the last year it has been super quiet. The various managers of the company have never had a clear vision forward and have randomly stewed the boat in the ocean.

This also frustrates me. Even though I have frequent contact with people at TeamSpeak or get updates as an Alpha user.

I hope this communication issue can be resolved in the future.

Chapter 2 - Lack of updates / waiting for screen share

As announced on 𝕏 / Twitter, Screen Share was meant to be released by now, but due to some complications, development time was unnecessarily invested, resulting in a massive setback. Note that they are currently not even 20 people

But over the last few months they have made up for the setback and released the first test version of Screen Share on Aug 29th.

About 20 people are currently testing it and providing feedback to further improve the user experience for a Beta release. This feedback is clearly needed as our bug reporting tool has ~70 entries.

Chapter 3 - Forum / Support

As noticed in recent months, interactions here on the forum are low and mostly not from staff. @TS.ChrisR has been the main maintainer of the forum and is no longer working for TeamSpeak, which means that other people now have to maintain the forum, even though they have their own things they need to get done.

*The reason why he no longer works for TeamSpeak is not relevant. It is probably best not to mention it here.

Chapter 4 - 𝕏 / Twitter

The 𝕏 / Twitter account has moved on from posting only change logs / update-related content. Engagement is much higher than before, as you can clearly see. The account was regularly losing followers. The content was not interesting for many people.

If you are not interested in memes or random posts, then quietly unfollow and stop complaining. After talking to the Social Media Manager, it’s likely that the main account won’t be going back to updating / posting news. They’ll likely be using @TeamSpeakDEV instead.

Chapter 5 - Currently Open Issues / Reports

I’m trying to forward this internally and hope to get an official response soon.
I can’t confirm or deny any issues with MariaDB/MySQL as that is not my area of interest.

This issue will likely be addressed at some point. TS has about 0.03% Mac users. And knowing how hostile Apple is to developers… It will probably take a considerable amount of time to get in touch with Apple and fix the “malware” problem…

To end this post I would like to say that all executing employees (Devs / QAs / SMM / CMM) I have talked to we’re people like us (trust me). From what I have seen, they are doing everything in their power to deliver the best product.