TS6 BETA Release - Updates & Ongoing Issues

:grey_exclamation:I will describe my opinion about TS6

  • Reduce the size of the channel tiles (make it more like it was in beta 77, the current size is not very convenient to monitor your server at a resolution of 1920x1080)
  • Make channel banners like they were in old betas so that they stretch along the entire length (not everyone moves the divider closer to the left side so that the banners look normal and not like stubs)
  • In my opinion, the central server banner in the channel tree is a convenient thing, but the display of the main banner in it looks strange (my logo is displayed only in the upper part maybe it is worth adding a second banner for this? so that we can adjust it to this size)
  • Return the functions from the “Permission” section to the channel editing for more precise channel settings (I personally miss this, maybe someone else has to use TS3 for this setting)
  • In the search line in Russian it says “Search / Connect” but it should be “Поиск / Подключение” although I have accurately translated this line into Russian
  • Sometimes when opening community chats in full screen the text in the chats of the northern channel breaks

:grey_exclamation:My suggestions for future versions:

  • Add a Steam link to myTeamSpeak account to display games (at the moment you have to use sinusbot or other bots and create separate rights with games so that server users can see what you are playing)
  • Maybe it’s worth returning the green color for your friends from the contact list if they are on the server with you, as it was in the old beta versions


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