What is the status for next beta client?

Why would you need that?

You can write someone an offline message or use the All New TeamSpeak group chats. All messages in the group chats are not deleted after closing the client. You will also receive messages after closing the client.

I was referring to the All New TeamSpeak group chats.

Yup, it would be nice, but have you considered space?

Storing few messages might be neat, but what if you want to store hundreds, thousands or even maybe tens of thousands of messages? This adds up very quickly and in a blink of an eye someone’s server might get full. Storage isn’t cheap, especially server grade storage.

Also, what about encryption, etc., etc. It’s not that simple when you think about it a bit more.

These are really no reasons against it.
Storage becomes cheaper every year and costs next to nothing.
Besides: Let’s assume I have stored 10,000 messages. One character has a maximum of 4 bytes, say a message has an average of 250 characters. All together that would be 10 MB more memory in the database. So almost nothing. Apart from the file transfer that already exists in the TeamSpeak server, this argument makes it even more ridiculous.
Permanent chat does not necessarily have to be active for every channel, it can only be activated as an option in the channel settings.
It would also be easy to store the messages in the DB: New table with UserID, ChannelID, time and message. Done.

The encryption technology of the TeamSpeak service group chat can probably be integrated into a TeamSpeak server as well, so from my point of view it’s no problem either.

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And what about pictures? Pure text chat is used less and less in today’s world. And for that exists IRC.

Pictures could be stored in a dedicated chat folder in the FileTransfer Folder of the channel and implemented in the chat (not only pictures, other files too). This would increase the amount of data usage but yeah, thats why the quota limit exists.


Honestly no wonder why you lose so much every f°cking year, didn’t you notice that?

Are you guys are just lazy or why don’t you push any useful updates? silence since 3 months at the moment. where are your developers? are they even still working here or everyone fired as well?

it’s just awful in which development way teamspeak is going.

and teamspeak is or was a private software, this god damn business & marketing from the UK station/office is one of the reasons of your non-success and lose investments. it kinda destroyed everything.

you wan’t to make teamspeak great again? then go and put your sh!t together and try to listen to your god damn community. there are so many peoples who still support this software and you guys don’t even give a single damn about it.

you can’t appreciate that so many teamspeak lovers are still around, right? oh sadly you don’t even see that, because SOMEONE has a problem with OPENING his EYES.

many teamspeak fans/lovers/addicts left this software so try to keep the last part of your community before everyone well-known member will quit this software.

you’ve already done too many mistakes and I don’t even know if you are aware of it. you’re trying to be profesional? then go and do it like discord; have more communications, and don’t be so f@cking silence with your mini-development places or what this is ever susposed to be.

… and now you guys are disappointing me since nearly 2 years and that’s a hellas time which was mostly wasted after all.

but honestly there will be one day that nobody will take care of this anymore and CONGRATULATION; someone with a high power killed something.



if dante sees it you getting a lot of problems

it’s my final opinion.

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you are crazy

I can understand your frustration, but this is sadly not the way of doing it and nothing will change. There are only a few ways to move anything at TeamSpeak, but from my understanding and experience nothing will most likely happen.


The whole platform is still based on ancient TeamSpeak 3 technology.

Then they took this stuff, threw together a barely functional “fancy” looking new client version and glued the cloud stuff which is loosely connected to the arguably unsuccessful “myTeamSpeak” feature to the side of that contraption.

Tada. TeamSpeak 5. Pardon. TeamSpeak, because who even needs those confusing numbers after they silently skipped version 4.

The underlying TeamSpeak 3 server infrastructure simply can’t store chat messages. It’s not designed to do that. It never was. Changing that means dropping compatibility with TeamSpeak 3 as nobody is going to go back to the dead old TeamSpeak 3 client code base and update it to support a new chat system.

They barely managed to update the TeamSpeak 3 client to a point that it stays compatible with the new client generation.

What can you expect?

Sticking to the old server was probably a mistake and you can tell by the lack of public communication from any “superiors” at TeamSpeak that they are obviously not willing to take any responsibility whatsoever for what’s going on in their company.

All they do is send their employees to put out the biggest fires before they catch on and that’s it.

These are the sad remains of a once successful piece of German software engineering.


I’ve used teamspeak for 17 years, give or take a year. I think since 2003. I hate what discord is about. But I am finding it hard to not sell out and keeping my community locked in. Half of my community wants to leave ts. The other half wants to wait for teamspeak 5. a year or 2 ago, almost none of them wanted to deal with discord. Little by little, we’re all getting tired. Not much longer…


@Donaramu yeah I remember when ADK gamers were in your spot about 2 yrs ago or so, they used to have 100-150 range in their TS, well they had ppl that wanted to move to discord, they choose not to so those ppl left, eventually they were slowing fading so eventually they made the leap to Discord so then their TS base ended up leaving, and like other places I’ve seen they hardly have anyone in their voice area and their website is pretty kicked in which is sad to see I liked their style.

For our community I think the majority would follow any VoIP we use and a small % of TS fans would probably move on, as much as I know it would be easier for people to join our community if we fully moved to discord, I think it too would hurt us in the end m, I’m sure many “clicks” within our community would eventually just make their own discord, and we would simply become a small group of loyal friends. If another VoIP came out sexy and similar to TS but far better in features etc I’d have no problem jumping ship for that, I prefer using VoIP + website because I hate the idea of discord owning everything we do, our history, and just like YouTube they can easily turn around and force ads in your face etc to keep their free platform going.

All I can hope is that someone offers to buy Teamspeak and then helps rebuild it back up because currently the people at the top are clearly doing it wrong and you can’t use “were a small team” as an excuse because Escape From Tarkov was a small Russian team and they worked hard and now have a successful game. It’s almost like a curse now being a fan of Teamspeak, like being a fan to Hunter X Hunter and the long hiatus you have to wait…


I can see a server overhaul in the future depending on the success of the client, and a slow migration to the newer stuff

I totally agree with you reffering to the fact that community servers will not exist anymore. Because in Discord everyone can have an „own“ server and all people are just with their friends on their spammed servers.

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“I prefer using VoIP + website because I hate the idea of discord owning everything we do, our history”

100% agree. UwG is about 17 years old. We’ve lost about 7 years of website data when I stopped playing for a few months to get married and move out of state. While out site isn’t super active, it has 10 years of history on it and I don’t wanna lose it. Even if we went to discord, we’d most likely still keep site. I also don’t want discord owning everything. Along with a few other things. I wish teamspeak would just get their crap together. I am tired of companies milking their users. I don’t want to support any of them. I want to support teamspeak, but it has been years and we’re just waiting for more. They got the beta out and it was a great start, but leaving us hanging, not the best idea. Yea, I’ve noticed that when the people I know who love discord. Always server jumping and less of a solid community. But you see people comment in the text only channels, which is why teamspeak needs to get this stuff out there. There are only a few things they really need to add. So whatever is making the fail, they need to fix it. Easier said than done, but they’re not letting us know the deal.

Edit: 100-150, your numbers use to get close to that, didn’t they? Yea, I don’t know how you guys deal with that stuff. Even when we target older and more mature gamers, it seems the more people, the more risk of drama. We use to get 30-60 active at once many years ago, not huge. Now I am happy with the 10-20 people. Only drama I deal with now is, " why aren’t we on discord?".


To the teamspeak staff, please note, for many of us, we don’t need the updates. Our communities do. We are under pressure from them. Pressure to leave teamspeak, when we don’t want to. We love teamspeak and want it to gain support. We see a few areas, that if updated would be a game changer. We just want that to happen so we all win.


I should add, I stalked a few admin profiles. It says they have been online. They have days online. They don’t post. So it is clear they’re reading. No Man’s Sky?

I recommend watching the whole video, but who has time for that. This is the part I wanted to share. Watch from about 38:20 to 42:20 … LOL… It reminds me of what teamspeak is doing and we’re all pissed. But if in a month ( I know it’s not gonna happen) they update with crazy new things, we’d all be shocked.

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I agree with you on many points but, I don’t think that if there were permanent chats, teamspeak 3 would no longer be supported by the server. It would simply be a new feature for TS5, not TS3. That new stuff can be added on the server is already shown with the channel banners. Nevertheless the system would require a new client group, i.e. one in addition to clients and queries, where there is no client limit, for the permanent chat connections to the corresponding perm chat channels.