Why would most people use TeamSpeak 5 over Discord?

It has long been the official policy of Discord that it does [not listen to or record] How private is your private Discord server? | PC Gamer your video calls, voice chats, or livestreams. Users were [concerned] this was no longer the case after Discord announced an updated privacy policy this week that replaced lines specifically outlining the no-listening policy.

If 5 dropped right now it would kill discord most likely.

be nice if it ever launchedā€¦

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teamspeak 5 is not ready to be launched anytime soonā€¦ Unfortunately Discord can sleep on their two ears and can continue to grow in number of users during this time.

what will be left for TS5 when it finally launches? Some old TS regulars who will have stayed and who will switch to the new version, but the others who will have left on Discord, will they come back to TS5? I doubtā€¦

Thatā€™s what happens when your dev cycle is slower than a Kickstarter MMO :rofl: At least theyā€™re active enough to Censor this comment. So thereā€™s that.

I currently use Discord more than TeamSpeak if Iā€™m completely honest, TeamSpeak is a pure disappointment.

When I joined the beta in 2019, I was really hoping for something different.

But a few years later, I feel like TeamSpeak has run out of steam.

We had had a conversation with the management, who wanted to assure us that the open beta would take place at the end of last year.

It seems to me that they donā€™t consult with the developers at all and just set any deadlines.

Also our TeamSpeak social media pro, posts a lot of bullshit, on Twitter.

The TS chat app really surprised me, I didnā€™t think it would ever be released.

The WebClient (WebRTC) seems to have been scrapped, we were assured that it will be an open source repo.

Also, I was assured almost 1.5 years ago that TeamSpeak is adjusting its license models.

Pretty much with all the promises, not much has really come around.


exactly JaXnPrivate!

When we read this kind of tweet (see photo), we can see that the Teamspeak team is completely disconnected from reality (we can see it with the bullshit and self-congratulation they post on social networks and to the fact that they only respond to comments that go their way), and that the inexorable end is nearā€¦

With such a long development time for TS5, Discord has plenty of time to improve, come up with new features and bury TS5 when it comes out because it will be too late and people will have moved on and will have forgotten TS.

Itā€™s the same for the TS server licenses which are exorbitant: the TS team turns a deaf ear on this subject while many complain about these prices, they lose users but persist in this way while it lead them to bankruptcy.
That, ultimately, TS server licenses are expensive for companies is understandable, but charging exorbitant prices for private customers is completely absurd.
Above all, TS is no longer the leader in this market and the competition does better for less.

For me the future of TS is all mapped out: it will end up like many software: by disappearing and falling into oblivion, all because of very poor management. and thatā€™s a shame.

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Well the SocialMedia team is long gone from the real world. Posting almost daily nonsense garbage is pathetic! The developers are actually capable of more, but the current approach by the devs and their slimy friends is simply an absolute disgrace. All the stuff is announced in a certain time frame, but this is never kept. You are being played the fool by them when you express criticism. But then they turn it around as if it was all pure hate against them. They screw it up and donā€™t even make a serious statement about it.


Decentralized servers, no AI reading all my messages (ala discord adding openai). Full control over my pipeline to friends.

But the Host of the Server can leak your Dataā€¦

And whether itā€™s one big company processing your data or several smaller server ownersā€¦

I think if you donā€™t use the Official TeamSpeak servers, youā€™re exposed to more danger than the Discord AI, which is only meant to be trained with your data.

If Iā€™m honest, I trust Discord and TeamSpeak completely, even if I do give TeamSpeak a negative Comment up from time to time.

Yes, but thatā€™s all there is left as an argument for Teamspeak. And at what cost all this? the free version is limited to 32 users, if you want at least 50 users it costs a fortuneā€¦ The gaming communities have almost all moved to Discord or Mumbleā€¦

If you want confidentiality today and you are a small group you can be satisfied with Teamspeak, otherwise there is Mumble which also allows you to set up a small server at home and which is not limited in number of users. And thatā€™s all there is.

Itā€™s really a shame that Teamspeak only thinks about money today. I donā€™t mind that itā€™s a company but there they are too much in the lure of profit and thatā€™s what will lose them.


Mumble is a great alternative. For a group of friends (what typical discord servers are) teamspeak currently works great. I never have more than 20 people in my server, I understand the difference for a guild. I do agree that the license fees are a bit steep for teamspeak.

I mean, I host my teamspeak server on a raspberry pi in my house. Iā€™ve also honestly never used one of the Public TS servers so I donā€™t know about that culture. My usecase is exactly what most people I know use discord for, for my group of friends and the people we meet to play together.

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Do I actually need to start pointing things out?
Teamspeak is so lost behind discord itā€™s insane.
For years theyā€™ve been harping about ts5 but nothing but a beta for a shitty clone of discord has released.

How can you even defend this??? What the hell are the people who work at TS even doing?

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If you donā€™t like it, just donā€™t use it. :upside_down_face:

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I agree with you. TeamSpeak has become unable to keep up with the competition and will eventually get eaten up completely.

They are still living on their laurels and making the most of it as long as there are people to pay.

Itā€™s really shameful to see that the development of TS5 that started several years ago is still not finalized !

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moved by moderator - such discussion already exists

hi! Iā€™m starting a debate because I have a lot of questions about the future of TeamSpeakā€¦

TS5 has been in development for 6 years already, itā€™s very slow and we donā€™t see the end. We have no information on the progress or a planned release date for a final version.

Itā€™s very good to want to make an alternative to Discord, but being so slow wonā€™t allow you to compete with them. Most people who are (or will) be on Discord will stay there, even after you launch TS5ā€¦

For me TeamSpeak will end up like many software programs that had their moment of glory in the past, and which ended up dying.

What do you think ?

Teamspeak has far better voice latency due in part to the fact that it can be self hosted. Also, the audio quality is far better than Mumble or Discord (which use the same old crappy audio codec). Teamspeak also offers E2E voice chats as well. Teamspeak is used by professional gamers for a reason.