Hello. I’m going issues with assigning icons to groups. It tells me I don’t have permissions but I’m on my server admin one. I setup a server with my server admin/owner key and its also gone now on my specific account and i cant edit icons as itr says not enough power or vice versa
i dont know if i lost the server admin port or owner with my original privilege key. Im just tryan edit my icons and assign them to a place.
Since my permissions are correct according to what I’ve read, why am I still receiving an error as a “owner”? I’ve heard that occasionally, if your server admin icon doesn’t appear, there might be a problem with the privilege key.
I continue to receive a low permission modify power. I also noticed that the “cilent can change channel cilent icons” on the server admin settings page are grayed out, and when I checked them, I received the message “you are about to remove grant privileges from the server admin group and are a member of this group,” which struck me as odd considering that I am the highest role we have and cannot edit my own server.
I have no idea what you did. It sounds like you messed up groups and or permissions.
The way to small output from the overview is not enough to see anything.
I suggest to reset groups and permissions to get a working state.