Email or passwored change (gcm: tag doesn’t match)

So now back to the password.

Did you change the password on the website or in client or did reset the password on the website.

This makes a difference in the encryption of the account.
The error message translated in human “Given password does not match and can not encrypt the stored data in our database”

Tried a password change before the email change and it was fine for my 2 accounts.

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i changed the password on the website


Could you login before our fix from today? So that you could login last days ~around Friday till yesterday.

If you could i currently do not know why password doesn’t math then.
I will add you to a list to evaluate the account.

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yes no problem, after i changed the password i could login normally.

There is to much going on now with accounts.

I forgot that we had such topic in your combination.

Please expand this

Edit: Some posts below i explained why this needs a client. Encryption happens in client only.


That worked. Thanks for the help.

I also got the same issue.

Please read and do following


Hi guys,
I still got the same “gcm: tag doesn’t match” error when trying to change my email address.
I tried everything mentioned, changed the password a few times in the client (3.6.2) and even got a new recovery key (although I still got the old, original one…)

When confirming the Change Email Address form with my password the error still shows up.

Any further advice on this?

Kind regards, No-L

Have you changed the password to the same as before? This won’t trigger to update the encryption version (AFAIK).

When you are in client 3.6.2, do you get anything about encryption in your client log?
That’s the other thing i can think of.


Hi @TS.ChrisR,
i changed it to a few different passwords, but still the same.

My Client log says nothing about encryption (searched for “enc” and “cry” :wink: )

These are the logs when I change the password:

22.02.2024 17:30:06 SyncImpl Info Requesting password change
22.02.2024 17:30:06 Info requested new mytsid data
22.02.2024 17:30:06 Info disconnected from push system.
22.02.2024 17:30:06 Info connected to push system.
22.02.2024 17:30:06 Info tried to request user integration info without valid session
22.02.2024 17:30:07 Info disconnected from push system.
22.02.2024 17:30:07 Info connected to push system.

Kind regards, No-L

Edit: I just downloaded the Teamspeak 5 Client and changed the password there, tried the link out of the mail to confirm the new address - still that “gcm: tag doesn’t match” error :frowning:

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:frowning: No one any idea or advise?

I fear you’ve run into an infrastructure issue we had just yesterday that caused several systems to be read-only.
Please just try that again! I cannot see any successful email change request for your account since February 22nd.


@lml unfortunately the problem still exists.

I just tried the following steps:

  • Request an email change
  • confirm with the link sent of the old addresse
  • click the link sent to the new addresse
  • enter password
    ==> Error gcm: tag doesn’t match

After that I opend my teamspeak 3.6.2 Windows client

  • changed the password to something new (not the same password)
  • tried the link sent to the new addresse above again
  • enter new password
    ==> Error gcm: tag doesn’t match

:confused: :frowning:

So I see your current email change process. Right now you’ve successfully validated your original email address, not yet your new one though. I see your attempts though, with the correct validation key.

So whatever the reason, the validation request seems not to get handled correctly.

As changing email requires and affects your credentials, we’re simply not able to alter such data for you, since hashing passwords, handling your recovery key is strictly done client side.

As of this moment we’re not completely sure what exactly is going wrong in your case. We’ll try to narrow it down and hopefully get back to you soon, but that’s pretty much all I can say at this point :cry:

(The current process will expire at Wed Mar 13 2024 18:05:47 GMT+0000, after that, it has to be restarted again.)


Thanks that worked for me aswell.

Just a small QoL-Issue I encountered. On the TS3 Client when trying to change my password, I pasted in my old password from my password manager into the corresponding field and generated a new password to use. The password change then failed. I only got it working after “emulating” to type my old password into the field by pasting it in and then pressing a key on my keyboard to add a char at the end and then deleting the added char. Only pasting in the new password worked tho.

On the TS5 beta I couldn’t change anything since the client “logged me in” after starting and accepting the EULA but then told me I need to log in via my myTS account. But I cound not log out neither add the account in the client. This issue is some what to be expected since it’s still a beta build. btw I was using the latest Linux build.

moved by moderator

Issue: On submission of ‘new email’ verification password form during the ‘change email’ process, the page hangs for a second or two before changing the submit to the “processing” button with a spinner. No further progress is made.

The console reports:

Object { toString: toString(), message: "gcm: tag doesn't match" }

and calling toString() returns CORRUPT: gcm: tag doesn't match

Reproduction steps:

  • Click “change email”
  • Click verification link sent to old email
  • Click verification link sent to new email
  • Input password
  • Click submit

This has been tested on two separate internet connections and with the following setups, with consistent results:

  • Firefox (Arch Linux)
  • Firefox (Android)
  • Chrome (Android)
  • Firefox (Windows)

Current email is an @hotmail address. Target email is an @gmail address. Unknown whether this matters.

Have a look at this post, it should explain the problem and the solution: