Question 1:
Do you host your server yourself, meaning you have access to the Admin Server Query group?
If yes
Question 2:
Do you still have the password for the “serveradmin” account? (received upon the first start up of your TeamSpeak 3 server)
If yes…
If you do not know how to use Server Query (telnet), please take a look at this thread:
Please connect to your server with your Client. Having done so, please go to Permissions → Server groups. Now get the number in parentheses behind the group you need to be in (e.g. Server Admin (6) => 6)
Using this knowledge, you can create a new token for yourself. Connect to the Query Interface using any telnet client (e.g. putty). The Default query port is 10011. Once connected issue the following commands in order, replacing anything written in ALL_CAPS_LIKE_THIS with the appropriate information.
login serveradmin PASSWORD
tokenadd tokentype=0 tokenid1=SERVERGROUP_ID_GAINED_ABOVE tokenid2=0
The output should be something like
Now in your client, click on Permissions, Use Privilege Key and enter the key you have just received.
Question 3:
Is anybody else on the server able to pass on the admin permissions to you?
If yes…
Ask another admin to grant you your old permissions.
If no…
In this case you will need to contact your host. Just ask him kindly to create a new privilege key for you.