TeamSpeak Client - Checking in with everyone

I would really like to see these ideas like Screen Sharing, Video Call, Text chat,… via a own server.
I think we live in a time where privacy is a big think (look at Facebook, WhatsApp, Clubhouse,…). Teamspeak was always a “safe place” for me because I host the server on my own.
I hope you keep that. Maybe with a license model for bigger server.

At Video Call, a nice feature would be to fetch every single stream, to add it e.g. to your streaming program (OBS,…) like its at


So that you can assign a key to speak on the steering wheel, eg Logitech, Thrustmaster

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  • better permissions system (more user friendly)
  • server groups with colors
  • Calendar system
  • cheaper licenses (currently too expensive for non-profit communities)
  • Subscription system (one percentage of subscriptions helps communities, the other part goes to TeamSpeak)
  • integrated Ingame overlay
  • advertising system based on groups
  • Lite client version for old PCs (limited functionality)

A function to tag Channels in Chat, Pokes and Channeldescription. If you click on it you should not join but jump to it. So it is possible to say that for example in the channel “rules” are your rules. (Would be also nice for the old TS3 Client) and maybe a feature where you can disable the channel chat - cause i don’t need a channel chat in a channel where rules are shown.

I’d really like a separate popout window that I can move to a second (smaller) screen that only shows the channel I’m currently in, with the talkers etc.

If this would be customizable (e.g. what is shown, skin, etc) that would be even better

So you could have your main client on your main monitor and just use the secondary window on secondary monitors for a quick glance who’s in the channel, who’s talking, etc.


At the moment what I most want to see in TeamSpeak is screen sharing, video, close to tray, languages and support for themes and plug-ins.

Focus on the lightness and stability of the program - two things that Discord definitely does not have. That the video and screen transmission on dedicated servers are “in charge” of the server itself, and not of the TeamSpeak servers.




It would be nice if you can mark other user as buddy.


TeamSpeak 3 will work on TeamSpeak 5 servers, right? It would going to be great for TeamSpeak 3 to continue to exist as a version for old PCs, and to receive eventual bug fixes and security patches.

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I’d like to see on the new client:

  1. A Popup prompt like the ts3 client for the connection info similar to the old one so that we can check ping and packet loss. (i usually keep it open on my second monitor that’s why I love it so much)
  2. A way to check a permission without changing my own group. I don’t think this is purely a client thing but i’d like to be able to try server groups without changing my real one or create a new identity.
  3. Another thing that i’m missing from ts3 is the ability to save presets for ban, afk, kick, etc.

I hope I was helpful, Byeee.


Screen sharing using the server bandwidth. So we can choose resolution/bitrate. That would be great.


Recording conversation (as in the TS3)
Record individual files for each person
I know people whose do interviews in TS3.

Possibility to integrate that with API


Plug-in API similar to TS3.

Another vote for mobile.

A cross version compatible chat and channel description formatting.

Or/Also, additional formatting tags that restricts a client version ( TS3/TS5) from displaying the text in those tags. Useful for channel descriptions where a host may include how to information to help new users learn the features of TeamSpeak without over loading them them with information not related to the client version they are running. I said “or” at the start since if this filter content by client version was added, hosters could manage the formatting within the filter tags, at least in the channel descriptions.


Master volume like on Teamspeak 3


I know it’s not a client feature but it’s a huge advantage over Discord.

Being able to create private sever with low latency

Being able to share screen with a low latency as possible.

Teams in csgo watch demo together and analyze it

Ability to pin post in the channel

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Possibility to join different servers and channels at the same time

Ability to create links to specific channels.

Use case:
I would like to invite people at specific time, at specific channel with a previous announced topic


Not seeing the logic in this. Server channel chat is not stored on the server, the server just repeats incoming messages to users currently in the channel. Also the way I see it the channels already have a description pane that is the ideal area for “pinning information”. Maybe more detail on your ideal could help me understand better what you are asking for.

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