TeamSpeak Client - Checking in with everyone

Hosting own server at own infrastructure is a big advantage of TeamSpeak
Latency it’s a huge aspect in esport. Lan tournaments has to have local server

Could you implement Overwolf functionality? That overlay you can enable and see who is talking while you are playing


Ts2 sound effects.
Low cpu and ram consumption.
Classic themes.
The ts3 current version should stay around as a lite version.
Maybe a wallet and ts coin .

I’ve been using for 15 years , what makes me using it more is how simple it is.


Ability to visually customize the program by users (themes, icons, etc.)


Improved Server group organisation. The possibility to create categorys for your groups, which you can expand or contract for a clearer overview for the server owner as well as for the users.


I would like to have a developer mode for the TS5 client, for example to call up the channel, user and database ID on the right-hand side of the client, in addition to which you can see the AFK characters in TS3, but unfortunately not in TS5, I would also like to add this. In my picture below you can see exactly what I mean with my ideas

One can display the AFK characters like the badge listing


You already can in both TS3 and TS5. Only trick in TS5 is you need an extra bookmark for each connection or to manual connect for each additional connection through the search box.

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Server owners should be able to see messages (not to mention private messages) posted by users.
It can be a Room type where anyone can write a message even if the user is not entering a room

I think the video chat and Screen sharing feature should have arrived already :slight_smile:


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-compatible with Nvidia Shield TV
-Geforce Now integration, or at least ensure ts mobile still works while using gfn on mobile.

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a new TS5 ingame overlay but not like overwolf


So many games have crossplay at this times so maybe you should try to get teamspeak on some consoles.


Yep this is why we are asking to let us the choice of what we want for the server, privacy or community sided configuration, in the seconde case then everything that we want to be saved will be saved and everyone will be able to see older or new message following the current server settings/permissions.

For example we can configure some channels with no log for private stuff or whatever and some with history active for news or community/social sharing etc.

And of course the option to wipe partially or completely the current chat.

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Better performance, like Ts3

Channel mode as well would be great (screen sharing in a public server channel that everyone could join for example)

And keep the best audio quality as TS3 !


Hey, great ideas.

I would like to have the possibility to get rid of the following (a bit invasive and overlaying) dialogue:

It sometimes overlays/hides some other clients, it would be cool to have an option to disable this or move it somewhere else, because always clicking details and cancel isn’t the best solution here.

However, nice work, well done. :+1:


Nest chat messages something like in the Slack

You could create threat for a topic in a chat.

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Limit of emojis in chat.

You missed one of the more important ones that received many up votes! - Persistent chat in channels, basically those who weren’t in the channel at the time can read the chat history.

This feature has been in teamspeak for many years

The ability to create hidden channels where users who don’t have permission to join can’t see the channel or the users inside the channel. You should also make the ability for a server to change the background of the teamspeak client depending on what CHANNEL you’re in, shown as a smooth fade Or whatever you choose between the colors as it transitions. Or customizablity as to the background transitioning between two colors and etc. that way if some server wants to make a “disco”-esque channel, the client would reflect that and it would only show to people who join that specific channel. Would be fun.