TeamSpeak Server 3.11.0

Hey Ho :slight_smile:
We’d like to inform you that the stable version of TeamSpeak Server 3.11.0 is now available.

This version does fix some bugs and adds small features to the ServerQuery.
We also improved the issue where old server started lagging or user timed out on channel or group creation/edit etc.

Here is the full change log

Server Release 3.11.0 15 January 2020


  • Channel with deprecated codecs (Speex/CELT) are being updated to use Opus instead.


  • The query command privilegekeylist also returns the token_customset now.
  • The query command channellist has a new option -banners


  • Because of degraded performance on larger servers, the new hint system has been disabled per > default.
  • Made further improvements to timeout and latency handling for larger servers.


  • Adding or removing user in ServerQuery groups may have returned invalid error codes.
  • Changing serverinstance_guest_serverquery_group properly ensures only
    ServerQuery groups can be assigned.

Download the latest version here.
Docker users will get the update within a day.

You have something you want to tell us about this server version?
Then leave your feedback here


You have something to say about this server version?
We appreciate your feedback.

The full details about the release can be found in our release thread.


Hey dear Teamspeak staff.

Could you please include an easy update script to ubuntu distributions?

Today I updated and when trying to move the files from the unpacked folder to the team speak home folder I accidentally moved everything one folder too far and nearly destroyed ma teamspeak server.

So just a easy script that does the updating would be awesome.

Thank you for your attention.

Updated just now to 3.11.0 and it works like a charm :slight_smile:
Problems with lag seem to have gone for now.

Good stuff, thanks guys :heart_eyes:


Thats a lot of manuals how to update on linux.
Thats only 4 Steps (backup your files)

$ wget wget
$ teamspeak3-server_linux_amd64/ stop
$ tar --bzip2 -xvf teamspeak3-server_linux_amd64-3.11.0.tar.bz2
$ teamspeak3-server_linux_amd64/ start

Update Rollout on Win Srv 2008R2, no problems


On CentOS I have mine running as a service so it auto starts and stops with the server.
So in my case the steps are:

  • Login to the server
  • Navigate to the directory where the teamspeak-*buildtype* directory is, if not your home directory.
  • wget *current version download path*
  • sudo systemctl stop *teamspeak service name*, confirm password when prompted.
  • tar -cjf ts3backup-*date*.tar.bz2 teamspeak-*buildtype*/
  • tar -xjf *currentversion file downloaded*
  • sudo systemctl start *teamspeak service name*
  • exit

I see there are some worries about pushing 3.11.0 into docker library

Following tianon comment, I git-cloned the repository and tried a build removing:
RUN chmod a+rx /opt/ts3server/
it seems still has the correct execution permission anyway:
/var/ts3server # ls -al /opt/ts3server/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3793 Jan 17 13:29 /opt/ts3server/

Why was this commit deemed necessary? :thinking:

Updated successful.


The latest Docker image on DockerHub is still 3.10.2. What’s going on there?


What is going on at DockerHub? Is an update coming soon there?


The DockerHub image is still version 3.10.2, 4 days after 3.11.0 general release.
It seems like it is still stuck on this pull request: added teamspeak 3.11.0 by muenchow · Pull Request #7279 · docker-library/official-images · GitHub

Do they even know that it hasn’t been merged? There has been no activity from them for 4 days.

After speaking to one of the devs, it would appear this has been fixed on our end and we’re waiting on someone from the Docker side of things, hopefully it’ll be sorted tomorrow but not 100% on that at the moment. This is not my area of expertise so I can’t elaborate, I’m just letting you guys know what I’ve heard. I’ll try and update this thread if I hear anything else.


Hey guys,

A couple days ago a few of my server instances 3.10.2 was crashed by someone. May be via query.
Crashdump and logs in ticket #FZR-638-10903.

Please don’t forget in next server release fix this annoying bug

We’re still waiting it seems: added teamspeak 3.11.0 by muenchow · Pull Request #7279 · docker-library/official-images · GitHub

Well, that’s unfortunate but thanks for keeping us up to date!


It’s fixed now. :slight_smile:


I don’t like that these features Channel with deprecated codecs (Speex/CELT) are being updated to use Opus instead.
have been deprecated. There are MANY of us whom enjoy speexultrawideband over the opus codec for many reasons.
Could someone please humor me and explain WHY these codecs are no longer available VS leaving us serveradmins the choice? thank you.

UPDATE… I guess I was wrong. Opus is clearly an improvement.
44kbps VS 510kbps among other things… Cheers.

Short i think “TeamSpeak5 Looks quite good” My only concern is the Whisper List feature as that will most likely cause many issues for my gents, What would also be nice to see would be a guide for new users as that might help them understand things better.

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