Ts3 3.6.0 addons incompatible

Thanks in resolved most of my problems but i still cant use my Soundboard in plugins
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The plugin author needs to update the plugin in order for it to work again

oh ok We need to tell Marius Grafe !
he created the plugin :joy:

TeamSpeak has been great for roleplay. How can I update things like RadioFX?


Unfortunately your Update broke nearly all Plugins. The most important one, the Streamdeck Extensions doesn’t work with the API anymore, and the maker of it isn’t updating it soon probably, what sucks huuugely.

Im sorry, but I think you an hear my frustration thru this small topic.

all the best


If you don’t need any TeamSpeak 3 features you could switch to TeamSpeak 5 and use my Stream Deck Plugin.

Edit: the plugin should work again if the Query Client gets updated by TeamSpeak

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Hi Leon, first of al thanks your fast Reply. TS5 is not an option because the whole game Organisation is declares TS3 as mainComm platform.

One of our guys which built a custom TS Radio offered to program a new Plugin for a beer.

Any idea when the plugin api repo will be updated?


Good Morning @Checkedsauce7 ,

Please take have a look into this Thread:

The Plugin Author must update his Plugin to API Version 26

But if you want to get back to the Old Version (3.5.6) then please do the following:

Streamdeck Plugin doesn’t work anymore, ClientQuery by ZerGo0

very sad , an according to Downloads highly used .

The update broke my addons I have tried to uninstall and reinstall them but it didn’t work.

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The Plugin Author needs to update his Plugin to API Version 26

If you want to downgrade your Client to the Old Version back then,

Please use the following link to download the previous TeamSpeak 3 client version :


Edit: I see you have the Control Plugin. Here is an updated Version:


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What the hell is a c++? I have never heard of that. But I can give you the igsact error code that ts is giving us after you guys updated it…

Plugin failed to load: Api version is not compatible: 23 (minimum: 26, current: 25)

That is what it is giving us when we try to use our plugins. And I use my teamspeak a lot this is not right there should be a way around this or a remediate fix or something!!!

The plugin you want to use must be updated from Plugin author or as an option you downgrade back to 3.5.6 as long this did not happen.

C++ is programming language for software developers.


If anyone (like me) is using CrossVR’s logitech G-key plugin it’s now incompatible.
I’ve forked his repo for the plugin, updated it and created a pull request for new API version, but until He will accept that PR You can use release from my fork to continue using the plugin with 3.6.0: Release v1.2 · KombatPL/gkey_plugin · GitHub

Also it would be awesome to get updated plugin for the G15 keyboard LCD (yes there are people using it in 2023), or at least point me to it’s source code - I’d try to update it myself.

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Yeah i need it to

do we know when this is going to be updated by TeamSpeak Systems GmbH

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What for Plugins?

If you mean the Control Plugin and the Client Query plugin then please open the following Link:


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Yeah not sure if the plugins can update until this TeamSpeak-Systems/ts3client-pluginsdk: TeamSpeak 3 Client Plugin SDK (github.com) is updated

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