Ts3 3.6.0 addons incompatible

If you dont want to wait, you can downgrade your Client back to the old Version and your Soundboard can be used again: :slight_smile:


I am tryna bind my controller to my TS and it does not work. When i click the button i would like to input it pops up showing the button i selected then does not get off my screen.



@TS.ChrisR can you please also provide an updated LUA plugin?

@VRK-DJ: Marius has already updated the soundboard and released on his GitHub page: Releases · MGraefe/RP-Soundboard · GitHub

Oops. I missed that plugin


moved by moderator

I have the same problem after upgrade TS3 to 3.6.0; 3.5.7 has no issue with PPT, now i use back to 3.5.7

I’m guessing you do not have the issue as reported here.

Download and install this update for client 3.6.0 and try again.


Thanks, it works for me

someone updated the new version at Github

Anyone know the person who made the RadioFX plug in? It needs updated and it hasn’t been updated since 2019.

The plugin author of RadioFX is @thorwe. Maybe he might help you.


Pluginupdate for G15 Keyboard LCD Display would be awesome.
Does someone know the Developer and has its mail address?

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TS addons are not working saying plugin failed to load

Gamepad and Joystick hotkey supprt

these all appear as Teamspeak systems GmbH

This issue is related to the updated API in v3.6.0. The addons will be updated soon. In between you can download the latest ones from Chris’ Google Drive Files.

For more information, have a look at

Our plugins got updated.
Will remove the plugin from Google Drive.

We are not going to update and work on the G15 plugin. This one won’t start and the last time someone worked on was before Discord was a thing :grimacing:


What about making it open source or something?

Yes, please make it open source at least so the community can update it.
There are still people using it, the G15 is legendary!

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It just doesn’t work. The api version isn’t compatible. Can we fix that somehow?

You have to contact the plugin creator to update their plugin or install the old version of the client.

Where can I find the older version of Sonoran Radio? I’ve looked everywhere.