You can't connect to a server?

i have a similar issue on my Google Pixel 6 for any reason the app can not connect to dns names if i replace it with an ip address it works without any problem.

with dns name i get “Connecting…trying to connect” and nothing happens

Maybe the DNS is wrong or your DNS provider isn’t working correctly.


Late reply but i forgot about it.

I checked it myself and when i ping IP address of server it sometimes throws request timed out, rarely, and the hostname throws it every time, not a single response, even tho i can access teamspeak through it without problem.

What i even witnessed now is that if i connect with ip address with/without password i join someone else’s server.(had to add port to connect to right server)

TS doesn’t connect to “hiway.teamspeak3”.com" but will connect to public server.

I have check firewall, uninstalled reinstalled multiple times , check for malware and virus’s I’m at a loss here.

Can you share your log from %appdata%?

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Have you tried all these steps in this thread: You can't connect to a server?

The TeamSpeak Server you are trying to connect is working. :slight_smile:


Have you tried the IP Adress instead of the DNS?

Then here we go: and please give me Feedback if the IP Adress instead of the DNS is working for you. :slight_smile:

Hello, I have a problem. I can’t connect to the ts3 server. The Hostname error could not be resolved writes to me. Ip server ( What should I do?

TSDNS not found
You cannot connect because the IP is not associated with that domain. Probably the owner has changed the IP or the server is down.

Server is working for me. It’s online since 4 hours.

Please have a look at

I still can’t connect to the server. Same error

Edit: Maybe their provider blocked some countries.

Connected to the test server. But the problem has not been solved, I do not know what to do. And who should I write to? No one has faced such a problem

You should contact the owner of teamspek, to check if his host is blocking your IP.

moved by moderator

OK I try to log into my clan server and it try’s two time and then goes to to a server I don’t have “GAMESERVERS_TS3_9115” what going on please help.

What exactly do you mean? Is the client connecting to a server you don’t know?

First of all check if you have the correct connection data. If you are connecting through a domain, try using the associated IP address and port.

If the TeamSpeak has changed, TS3 normally shows a window that the identity of the server has changed. It’s best to ask people on the unknown server, maybe the server has been changed.

Otherwise you have to contact your clanmates to find out what happened to your server.

The Clan server has not changed. I type in the server name "" and I get log in to " GAMESERVERS_TS#_9115" I removed TS from my computer and it does it again after reloading TS. I don’t know what to do now.

From both of your posts: Nothing seems wrong here or your description needs more details. is a server adress and :port. This one is used to connect a client to a server.

GAMESERVERS_TS#_9115 is the server name, the server owner or company gave it and has nothing to do with a connection. It’s just a name.

So the name was set to match hostname and the assigned port.


OK I’m trying to join my Clan TS I go to Connections Then connect, then in the server nickname I put “” then I hit connect. Then I get this " <19:51:06> Trying to resolve hostname
<19:51:08> Trying to connect to server on
<19:51:09> Welcome to this TeamSpeak Server, please check
<19:51:09> Connected to Server: “GAMESERVERS_TS3_9115"”

I was trying for my Clan and I go to GAMESERVERS_TS3_8115 what going on can you help me?

In short: The problem is not with the TeamSpeak software.

You will need to contact the person responsible for hosting the server you are trying to connect to. So either the person renting the virtual server or the hosting provider themselves.


I’m wondering why you use the address with port 9115, when you want to connect to a server with 8115 in it’s name?

Seem that the host uses the port on their server names. Can not test it because i can not reach both.


No the port name is 9115 not 8115