Can not save audio settings on non-default device since b65

Hey Guys,
I opend today my Teamspeak and every setting was blown away. Maybe it came from the Update of Windows Yesterday. I dont really know. I fixed every setting exepct the Volume Gate. right at the point i get out of the settings the Volume gate got switched to Automatic. It also happens when i put it on Hybrid.

I hope some has a tipp to solve that problem.

Sry for bad English and thank you for the help

Got the exact same issue no matter what i do the “Voice Activity Detection” resetts everytime back to Automatic, reinstalled Teamspeak to be sure that not my client maybe bugged or something else.

Using Windows 10 with latest updates.

sounds like permission problem for the first time, check the directory permissions where ts was installed :slight_smile:

Same for me since 1-2 weeks cant finde the problem !

I have now tried everything that is here in the thread but unfortunately had no success.
I also use the goXLR and windows 10 21h2.
When I switch to Teamspeak 3 the problem is not present. I hope there is a timely update that fixes this problem. I would like to use Teamspeak 5 again

I had the same issue and also with GoXLR


Removing the Audio Setting from the database fixed the problem (See the pictures)
1 - Close Teamspeak Client
2 - Open DB with soft like sqlitebrowser
3 - Remove value from “audio_settings”
4 - Save the changes
5 - Open TS client !!!
6 - ENJOY the gate :smiley:

I saw that Automatic Gain Control do not save also after reopening TS, but the value from db as been updated since you relaunch TS.
So now with the new values what i made is simple :
1 - Close TS Client
2 - Open the updated database (%appdata%\TeamSpeak\Default)
3 - Copie the “audio_settings” value
4 - Open Notepad++ and paste the value
5 - Push Ctrl+H
6 - Follow the screenshot, values change is :


7 - Copie the value from Notepad++
8 - Past to the database
9 - Save the database change
10 - Open TS
11 - Go to the settings and change the Automatic Gain Control
12 - ENJOY again :joy:

For the dev : it seems to have some trouble to update the database file when you modify some setting from the client :roll_eyes: why for ? idk

1 Like

You are not supposed to play with db file. So nothing to do for us.

Just trying to help to find the cause of this issue :wink:
This is a manual fix till you find the cause and fix it :slight_smile:

Thank you very much, it seems that it worked wonderfully. Now the beta client can be used further

I’m relaxed and calm, i wasn’t intending to be hostile or “aggro”, afterall this in a forum with the intent of discussion.

I was a little disapointed in Chris’ response, that’s all. I’m sure he can see why.

Anyway, i look forward to the actual fix :slight_smile:

i deleted my post i was a little drunk when i wrote it :smiley:
Tell us if it’s working for you.

Ok, i tried to go further in the case and I reproduce the issue and there is some facts.

For users :
If my first post don’t fixed the issue, there is 2 options :
1 - Repeat the db manipulation starting here

untill it’s working (see the devs part below to understand why)
2 - If you wanna do it easier, there is no need to edit database but some manipulation to do with teamspeak client.
Manipulations are simple but a bit annoying :smiley:
The goal of these manupilations are to record data in the database which is bugging the settings untill db contains all the devices.
DB seems to record devices only one by one, and only after exiting the client, so we have to select a device, quit, select a device quit etc…

You just have to repeat these steps untill you did it for all devices :
1 - Go to the audio settings and select one of you playback device

2 - Quit TS client and relaunch it
3 - Go to the audio settings and select one of another playback device you didn’t before.
4 - Go to 2 if you didn’t do it for all playback devices

If you did well with all your devices, options are now saving correctly
If it still don’t work, open db, clear audio_settings value, and try it again :wink:

Teamspeak devs have such a gamer spirit :stuck_out_tongue:

For devs :
I deleted my second profile from identities

My audio device settings are all default :

My windows playback settings from Win7 setting pannel are (i tried everything in it before databases change and it has no effect) :

My windows capture settings from Win7 setting pannel are :

From Win10 audio settings pannel my config are :


Now let’s move to the DB.
I generated first new fresh datas from audio_settings in db and it was :

{“0”:{“mode”:“”,“device”:null,“devices”:{“Windows Audio Session”:[[{“description”:“System”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{a2a69201-0b0b-4753-8f6d-fe4a5659ef50}”,“interfaceName”:“TC-Helicon GoXLR”,“name”:“System (TC-Helicon GoXLR)”},{“aec”:false,“agc”:true,“comfortNoise”:false,“comfortNoiseLevel”:-60,“echoReductionLevel”:0}],[{“description”:“SPDIF-Out”,“formFactor”:8,“id”:“{}.{ba39d951-b24e-4999-bd77-469eec511b37}”,“interfaceName”:“Sound Blaster Z”,“name”:“SPDIF-Out (Sound Blaster Z)”},{“aec”:false,“agc”:true,“comfortNoise”:false,“comfortNoiseLevel”:-60,“echoReductionLevel”:0}],[{“description”:“Ligne”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{f0403fe4-f112-4d9b-baee-3a231ae86d29}”,“interfaceName”:“2- Steinberg UR22”,“name”:“Ligne (2- Steinberg UR22)”},{“aec”:false,“agc”:true,“comfortNoise”:false,“comfortNoiseLevel”:-60,“echoReductionLevel”:0}]]},“masterLevel”:0,“notificationsDevice”:{“id”:“voice”,“name”:“”},“notificationLevel”:-23,“global”:{“agcExperimentalMode”:false}},“1”:{“mode”:“”,“device”:null,“devices”:{“Windows Audio Session”:[[{“description”:“Ligne”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{0bb2de4b-75d0-454e-a87d-7fea14387861}”,“interfaceName”:“2- Steinberg UR22”,“name”:“Ligne (2- Steinberg UR22)”},{“agc”:true,“denoise”:true,“denoiserLevel”:1,“typingSuppression”:false,“vad”:true,“vadMode”:0,“vadLevel”:-30}],[{“description”:“Sample”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{adf8d939-17d4-45fd-83b3-75fcecefa6f6}”,“interfaceName”:“TC-Helicon GoXLR”,“name”:“Sample (TC-Helicon GoXLR)”},{“agc”:true,“denoise”:true,“denoiserLevel”:1,“typingSuppression”:false,“vad”:true,“vadMode”:0,“vadLevel”:-30}]]},“ptt”:{“active”:false,“releaseDelay”:{“active”:false,“ms”:300}}}}

I changed the value one by one :




I relaunch client and the result was : Gate OK, Noise reduction OK, AGC KO

So i reopen db and the value was :

{“0”:{“mode”:“”,“device”:null,“devices”:{“Windows Audio Session”:[[{“description”:“System”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{a2a69201-0b0b-4753-8f6d-fe4a5659ef50}”,“interfaceName”:“TC-Helicon GoXLR”,“name”:“System (TC-Helicon GoXLR)”},{“aec”:false,“agc”:false,“comfortNoise”:false,“comfortNoiseLevel”:-60,“echoReductionLevel”:0}],[{“description”:“SPDIF-Out”,“formFactor”:8,“id”:“{}.{ba39d951-b24e-4999-bd77-469eec511b37}”,“interfaceName”:“Sound Blaster Z”,“name”:“SPDIF-Out (Sound Blaster Z)”},{“aec”:false,“agc”:false,“comfortNoise”:false,“comfortNoiseLevel”:-60,“echoReductionLevel”:0}],[{“description”:“Ligne”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{f0403fe4-f112-4d9b-baee-3a231ae86d29}”,“interfaceName”:“2- Steinberg UR22”,“name”:“Ligne (2- Steinberg UR22)”},{“aec”:false,“agc”:false,“comfortNoise”:false,“comfortNoiseLevel”:-60,“echoReductionLevel”:0}],[{“description”:“Chat”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{5f0740da-a2cd-4ed7-96fd-84182fa4d7d6}”,“interfaceName”:“TC-Helicon GoXLR”,“name”:“Chat (TC-Helicon GoXLR)”},{“aec”:false,“agc”:true,“comfortNoise”:false,“comfortNoiseLevel”:-60,“echoReductionLevel”:0}]]},“masterLevel”:0,“notificationsDevice”:{“id”:“voice”,“name”:“”},“notificationLevel”:-23,“global”:{“agcExperimentalMode”:false}},“1”:{“mode”:“”,“device”:null,“devices”:{“Windows Audio Session”:[[{“description”:“Ligne”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{0bb2de4b-75d0-454e-a87d-7fea14387861}”,“interfaceName”:“2- Steinberg UR22”,“name”:“Ligne (2- Steinberg UR22)”},{“agc”:false,“denoise”:false,“denoiserLevel”:0,“typingSuppression”:false,“vad”:true,“vadMode”:0,“vadLevel”:-30}],[{“description”:“Sample”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{adf8d939-17d4-45fd-83b3-75fcecefa6f6}”,“interfaceName”:“TC-Helicon GoXLR”,“name”:“Sample (TC-Helicon GoXLR)”},{“agc”:false,“denoise”:false,“denoiserLevel”:0,“typingSuppression”:false,“vad”:true,“vadMode”:0,“vadLevel”:-30}],[{“description”:“Chat Mic”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{5e5c0f20-17f2-441c-8c44-ee2f24a3c83e}”,“interfaceName”:“TC-Helicon GoXLR”,“name”:“Chat Mic (TC-Helicon GoXLR)”},{“agc”:true,“denoise”:false,“denoiserLevel”:1,“typingSuppression”:false,“vad”:true,“vadMode”:1,“vadLevel”:-30}]]},“ptt”:{“active”:false,“releaseDelay”:{“active”:false,“ms”:300}}}}

we can see that another device has been added/detected :

So i made it again :
I changed the value one by one :




I relaunch client and the result was : Gate OK, Noise reduction OK, AGC KO

So i reopen db and the value was :

{“0”:{“mode”:“”,“device”:null,“devices”:{“Windows Audio Session”:[[{“description”:“System”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{a2a69201-0b0b-4753-8f6d-fe4a5659ef50}”,“interfaceName”:“TC-Helicon GoXLR”,“name”:“System (TC-Helicon GoXLR)”},{“aec”:false,“agc”:false,“comfortNoise”:false,“comfortNoiseLevel”:-60,“echoReductionLevel”:0}],[{“description”:“SPDIF-Out”,“formFactor”:8,“id”:“{}.{ba39d951-b24e-4999-bd77-469eec511b37}”,“interfaceName”:“Sound Blaster Z”,“name”:“SPDIF-Out (Sound Blaster Z)”},{“aec”:false,“agc”:false,“comfortNoise”:false,“comfortNoiseLevel”:-60,“echoReductionLevel”:0}],[{“description”:“Ligne”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{f0403fe4-f112-4d9b-baee-3a231ae86d29}”,“interfaceName”:“2- Steinberg UR22”,“name”:“Ligne (2- Steinberg UR22)”},{“aec”:false,“agc”:false,“comfortNoise”:false,“comfortNoiseLevel”:-60,“echoReductionLevel”:0}],[{“description”:“Chat”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{5f0740da-a2cd-4ed7-96fd-84182fa4d7d6}”,“interfaceName”:“TC-Helicon GoXLR”,“name”:“Chat (TC-Helicon GoXLR)”},{“aec”:false,“agc”:false,“comfortNoise”:false,“comfortNoiseLevel”:-60,“echoReductionLevel”:0}],[{“description”:“Sample”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{59ce96c3-d859-4417-9722-c6119acd6575}”,“interfaceName”:“TC-Helicon GoXLR”,“name”:“Sample (TC-Helicon GoXLR)”},{“aec”:false,“agc”:true,“comfortNoise”:false,“comfortNoiseLevel”:-60,“echoReductionLevel”:0}]]},“masterLevel”:0,“notificationsDevice”:{“id”:“voice”,“name”:“”},“notificationLevel”:-23,“global”:{“agcExperimentalMode”:false}},“1”:{“mode”:“”,“device”:null,“devices”:{“Windows Audio Session”:[[{“description”:“Ligne”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{0bb2de4b-75d0-454e-a87d-7fea14387861}”,“interfaceName”:“2- Steinberg UR22”,“name”:“Ligne (2- Steinberg UR22)”},{“agc”:false,“denoise”:false,“denoiserLevel”:0,“typingSuppression”:false,“vad”:true,“vadMode”:0,“vadLevel”:-30}],[{“description”:“Sample”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{adf8d939-17d4-45fd-83b3-75fcecefa6f6}”,“interfaceName”:“TC-Helicon GoXLR”,“name”:“Sample (TC-Helicon GoXLR)”},{“agc”:false,“denoise”:false,“denoiserLevel”:0,“typingSuppression”:false,“vad”:true,“vadMode”:0,“vadLevel”:-30}],[{“description”:“Chat Mic”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{5e5c0f20-17f2-441c-8c44-ee2f24a3c83e}”,“interfaceName”:“TC-Helicon GoXLR”,“name”:“Chat Mic (TC-Helicon GoXLR)”},{“agc”:false,“denoise”:false,“denoiserLevel”:0,“typingSuppression”:false,“vad”:true,“vadMode”:1,“vadLevel”:-30}],[{“description”:“Broadcast Stream Mix”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{20dcc5f0-29e6-48fa-92ff-e1757c8bf1dd}”,“interfaceName”:“TC-Helicon GoXLR”,“name”:“Broadcast Stream Mix (TC-Helicon GoXLR)”},{“agc”:true,“denoise”:true,“denoiserLevel”:1,“typingSuppression”:false,“vad”:true,“vadMode”:0,“vadLevel”:-30}]]},“ptt”:{“active”:false,“releaseDelay”:{“active”:false,“ms”:300}}}}

we can see that another device has been added/detected again :

So i made it again :
I changed the value one by one :




I relaunch client and the result was : Gate OK, Noise reduction OK, AGC KO

So i reopen db and the value was :

{“0”:{“mode”:“”,“device”:null,“devices”:{“Windows Audio Session”:[[{“description”:“System”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{a2a69201-0b0b-4753-8f6d-fe4a5659ef50}”,“interfaceName”:“TC-Helicon GoXLR”,“name”:“System (TC-Helicon GoXLR)”},{“aec”:false,“agc”:false,“comfortNoise”:false,“comfortNoiseLevel”:-60,“echoReductionLevel”:0}],[{“description”:“SPDIF-Out”,“formFactor”:8,“id”:“{}.{ba39d951-b24e-4999-bd77-469eec511b37}”,“interfaceName”:“Sound Blaster Z”,“name”:“SPDIF-Out (Sound Blaster Z)”},{“aec”:false,“agc”:false,“comfortNoise”:false,“comfortNoiseLevel”:-60,“echoReductionLevel”:0}],[{“description”:“Ligne”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{f0403fe4-f112-4d9b-baee-3a231ae86d29}”,“interfaceName”:“2- Steinberg UR22”,“name”:“Ligne (2- Steinberg UR22)”},{“aec”:false,“agc”:false,“comfortNoise”:false,“comfortNoiseLevel”:-60,“echoReductionLevel”:0}],[{“description”:“Chat”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{5f0740da-a2cd-4ed7-96fd-84182fa4d7d6}”,“interfaceName”:“TC-Helicon GoXLR”,“name”:“Chat (TC-Helicon GoXLR)”},{“aec”:false,“agc”:false,“comfortNoise”:false,“comfortNoiseLevel”:-60,“echoReductionLevel”:0}],[{“description”:“Sample”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{59ce96c3-d859-4417-9722-c6119acd6575}”,“interfaceName”:“TC-Helicon GoXLR”,“name”:“Sample (TC-Helicon GoXLR)”},{“aec”:false,“agc”:false,“comfortNoise”:false,“comfortNoiseLevel”:-60,“echoReductionLevel”:0}],[{“description”:“Music”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{2a5f9adb-03d2-4bd3-a286-fce9ae887117}”,“interfaceName”:“TC-Helicon GoXLR”,“name”:“Music (TC-Helicon GoXLR)”},{“aec”:false,“agc”:true,“comfortNoise”:false,“comfortNoiseLevel”:-60,“echoReductionLevel”:0}]]},“masterLevel”:0,“notificationsDevice”:{“id”:“voice”,“name”:“”},“notificationLevel”:-23,“global”:{“agcExperimentalMode”:false}},“1”:{“mode”:“”,“device”:null,“devices”:{“Windows Audio Session”:[[{“description”:“Ligne”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{0bb2de4b-75d0-454e-a87d-7fea14387861}”,“interfaceName”:“2- Steinberg UR22”,“name”:“Ligne (2- Steinberg UR22)”},{“agc”:false,“denoise”:false,“denoiserLevel”:0,“typingSuppression”:false,“vad”:true,“vadMode”:0,“vadLevel”:-30}],[{“description”:“Sample”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{adf8d939-17d4-45fd-83b3-75fcecefa6f6}”,“interfaceName”:“TC-Helicon GoXLR”,“name”:“Sample (TC-Helicon GoXLR)”},{“agc”:false,“denoise”:false,“denoiserLevel”:0,“typingSuppression”:false,“vad”:true,“vadMode”:0,“vadLevel”:-30}],[{“description”:“Chat Mic”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{5e5c0f20-17f2-441c-8c44-ee2f24a3c83e}”,“interfaceName”:“TC-Helicon GoXLR”,“name”:“Chat Mic (TC-Helicon GoXLR)”},{“agc”:false,“denoise”:false,“denoiserLevel”:0,“typingSuppression”:false,“vad”:true,“vadMode”:1,“vadLevel”:-30}],[{“description”:“Broadcast Stream Mix”,“formFactor”:2,“id”:“{}.{20dcc5f0-29e6-48fa-92ff-e1757c8bf1dd}”,“interfaceName”:“TC-Helicon GoXLR”,“name”:“Broadcast Stream Mix (TC-Helicon GoXLR)”},{“agc”:false,“denoise”:false,“denoiserLevel”:0,“typingSuppression”:false,“vad”:true,“vadMode”:0,“vadLevel”:-30}]]},“ptt”:{“active”:false,“releaseDelay”:{“active”:false,“ms”:300}}}}

One more time we can see that another device has been added/detected :

So i made it again :
I changed the value one by one :




The difference is that there was no occurences for “denoise”:true,“denoiserLevel”:1 but still one occurence for “agc”:true

I relaunch client and the result was OK for all settings.

FYI : I tried to let the database without changes and relaunching ts client few times to see if it’s detecting new device and for sure it does not. I really had to edit DB, and relaunch client to see that there is new device referenced in the DB.

PS : Curiosity made me open the DB again, and it has found again one last time a new device.

I made my usual changes, reopen client, close it, reopen db, then nothing more as been changed.

All my devices in client before and after (there is no changes) all this manipulations are :

Resume :

Playback devices autodiscover record to db seems to not work correctly

Hope it can help :slight_smile:


I tried deleting the contents of appdata/teamspeak completely. Then i uninstalled TS5 and reinstalled it. This has resolved the issue for me. Might be som absurd issue related to permisions in the database file idk.

Have you tried this? This will of course completely reset your TS5 settings.

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No i didn’t tried exactly what you said but, i tried to delete the db file renaming it and there was no change.
But i don’t think that’s come from permissions this is my appdata teamspeak folder and i checked the db file and the permissions are exactly the same


I’ve had this bug since 2 weeks now. Whenever I enter the settings, my VAD Mode is set to automatic. This resolves in unwanted background noise. I then choose the volume gate mode and everything is fine, UNTIL I close the settings and go back to my normal server view. It instantly swaps back to the automatic mode.
Did anyone else encounter this problem or has any tips on how to fix it?
P.S. When I use TS3, everything is normal and my settings get saved when I go back to my normal server view. It just happened out of nowhere, after I was not home for 2 weeks.
Thanks in advance for trying to help me!
Nik AKA Illumic

Hey dude,

Have you tried this ? Can not save audio settings on non-default device since b65 - #62 by W4RdZ

For info, is that also for goxlr ? Did you unplugged and replugged the device from your pc for any reason ?

Because i noticed that repluggin the device seems to start the issue again.

See ya

When can we expect an official fix for this issue?
As this issue as been around for close to a year.
And doing the ‘work around’ every time I open Teamspeak is a bit annoying.

1 Like

Thank you so much!
Removing the SQL entry fixed the issue, so far. Hope it stays that way.
Yes, I unplugged my audio device before. I have a focusrite interface and sometimes my driver just dies (once in 3 months, so nothing worrying). Once it happened while I was talking to friends, and maybe it damaged some setting.
I tried to find something like your fix already, but I had no luck. So thanks for linking it.

Any update on this please?


Would be nice to get an update, even a “Yes, we are aware and working on a fix” :slight_smile: