How do I get a new recovery key? // My Badges are not shown in client

I have now run this as described, this has led to no success

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How do I get my recovery key when I click on the option “New Recovery Key” where do i find this?

You cannot find an already created key in the client. You would have had to save it externally when you created it.


You must enter your old Recovery key first or do a Fallback in case “New Recovery” does not work.
You did reset your password and this account need to be decrypted first or encryption must be reset.


If I do a fallback I would than loose all my books marks, and data ect? I click the recovery key blue link in enter in my Teamspeak password. Nothing happened after that, it didn’t give me a recovery key.

Yes. All synced data is gone.

Please read my post above. There is no way around that.


Hey, ChrisR this question may sound repeated . But, if i have teamspeak on chrombook in it is Linux and i have all my bookmarks etc on my chromebook TS3. But, i do a fallback on my windows 10 teamspeak will all my data be gone on my chromebook TS3? Also when i requested a new recover key it gave me this “SyncImpl Info Successfully requested new backup key” but i never got my key and I didn’t do a fall back. What would happend if i hit fallback on my Linux ts3 and get a new recover key to use on my PC TS3 with the same email etc.

My answer will not change. No matter how often you will ask.

You do not get a new key without Fallback OR entering your old one first.

Yes when these data are synced.

But before Fallback you could save these data and put them back to Sync after Fallback


Hi, I just re-installed teamspeak due to having a new computer and its asking me for a recovery key which it has never done before… so i don’t know where to find it… please help!

You’ve received your key during your first login. If you do not have it saved somewhere, there is no chance to access the data without. Therefore you need to do a fallback, but you will loose all synced data.

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Hi there, another soul with (may be lost) recovery key (it has been really several years - like 10 - 15) since I was using ts I think)

I would like to ask few questions please (which I believe were not asked, as I browsed through the forum, but I could have missed them. I do not want to create new thread, do not feel it is necessary :confused: )

1, What is the form of recovery key? from what I googled it should be some *.ini file. Is that correct? I would like to search through my old backups

2, When was this recovery key feature introduced? (could it be, that my account was made during period when this was not used, then it was introduced and I missed that?)

3, What will I loose, if I will do the fallback and generate new recovery key? (I saw some answers but still if someone could please link the list or name it, thank you :slight_smile: ) - like what are identities? :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for your help

It is a dialog in client telling you to write down / save the recovery key somewhere.

In 2016 when myTeamSpeak was introduced.

All synced data like Bookmarks, Identities, Hotkeys, Whisper lists.
When current client still has data in the settings.db then it will try to upload these to the new encrypted account after Fallback. Else your data is gone.


Hi, thank you for your reply and clarifying to me things :slight_smile:. One last thing come to my mind:

Is there any text or phrase which I should put into search window when looking up for the recovery key? (to me it looks like there is none)

No but it is around 44 chars long and last one is always a =

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thank you, that information is very helpfull

it seems that i have “recovery key” saved in a identities file export.ini file. But mine seems a bit longer it says 210 characters in word ending with = :open_mouth: I do not want to post it here :slight_smile:

anyway, I made the process irreversible probably, as I understood from this thread - when reseting password, than old recovery key will not work. Question is, could I have any chance as my account was that old ?:smiley:

I have bookmarks.ini contacts.ini hotkeys.ini, so I think I will be able to get to what I need. Its just that I am curious.

You saved your identities in that file. This is not the recovery key.

The first/last generated recovery key will work as long you do not reset your password and do a fallback or generate in new one.

Yes resetting and fallback clears all encrypted data from our service and will start empty with new encryption.


Yes, but my backup is from 2014 (and account is for sure older than that). You said, that recovery key was introduced in 2016.

What could I do, when it was introduced during the period I was not using teamspeak?

Then on first myTS login with any client you would’ve seen the mentioned dialog with the key in it.
There is no way around it when in our online database no encrypted synced item was found.

The ini backup has nothing to to with myTeamSpeak.


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I reinstalled my pc, logged in on the only account i know and now i have none badges are showen.
How can i get them back?

I got my recovery key and logged in.

Then please post latest client log.